Transformational Seeds

Transformational Seeds

Projecting Can be a Good Thing

Excerpted and edited by Chris G. Dalrymple, K.C.

Projecting in psychology is referred to as: the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another.  

Often “projecting” onto someone else is used as a “bad” thing.  But excerpts from the article Jedi Mind Tricks, These are the Mental Habits You’re Looking For by Steve Tarani and published in Shooting Illustrated, May 2024, points out how projection can be used in physical skills as well.

I think that you will find the following excerpts and edits to be of interest.  This is but an introduction into “quantum thinking” in a very practical way.

From SpiritVerse (Spirit Science): Three States of Reality

In this 15 minute video from SpiritVerse (Spirit Science) Jordan presents a very well presented summary of what ancient traditions understood to be the foundational makeup of all things and three ways to transcend into union with your soul.

A very good starting point for seeking your anchor in reality.  if we choose to re-program our thoughts FROM the "static" or the "declining" perspective and seek to build habits that direct us to thoughts advancing us toward the "ascending" pattern of reality then life becomes a journey of being, becoming, and awakening, and we can help others on their path as we help ourselves.