The “Souls of Humanity”

This presentation is of the book The Third Music, by Ann Ree Colton and published by Ann Ree Colton Foundation of Niscience, Inc. of Glendale, California.  

This book “found me” after Zientah mentioned the term “under soul” and noted it was a new term to her, and as it was a term new to me as well, I researched it on the internet and found that it was prominently listed in the book The Third Music.

After researching some excerpts pertaining to the undersoul I decided to purchase the book and what I found is a gold mine of well-described-explanations pertaining to just what it is that GFLAA is about, and what we are dealing with with our “higher selves”.  A good bit of this work is “jargon” in that it uses its specialized vocabulary to label and define things, but the “jargon” is adequately explained.

What I want to do with this article is to share with you some of the gold that I found in this goldmine of a book.  This article will, from time to time, be edited for improvement.  For those who are ready to walk the path of making greater sense of all of this I recommend this book as a source of study and research. If you are not yet ready, keep this book in mind for when you become ready.

Above Down, Inside Out

Let’s first look at how this book describes the relationship between God, Spirit, Soul, and Body.

“The energized vibratory God-Essence overflowing into man in the life of form and life as consciousness is transmitted to man by the aspect of God called Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, or Spirit of Truth. This movement Essence feeding the soul and all soul-life functions of and in the earth is called Esse. … Esse is the Life-Spirit or Holy-Spirit mantra name for holy powers providing vision, revelation, guidance, cleansing, purification, healing. All life-sustaining energies are under the Holy-Spirit power passed on by the soul to man as the Holy Esse, or Essence of life eternal, life immortal, life functional. The Esse makes man a witness for God, an articulate creator for God, and eventually a son of God.”

The Essence of the All-that-is, being energy, “moves”.  This movement feeds the soul.  This Essence, (Esse in the book’s terminology, Holy Spirit in mine) is presumably derive from the ancient word *es meaning “to be”. This be-ing is the source of the holy powers of vision, revelation, guidance, cleansing, purification, healing and all life-sustaining energies; such powers  as are demonstrated in the Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East books.

“The higher mind of man is the Witnessing mind. … All Esse functionings of the Holy Spirit are expressed by the Witnessing and affirming of the Witnessing mind.”

The “higher self” witnesses and affirms the functioning of the Esse functionings.  I like to think of it as “while ME may not be able to comprehend the “movement of Esse” the MEWE of ME and my “higher self”—WE— together as MEWE may clearly observe such functioning and “make sense of it.”  There will be more on this topic below.

“The Esse flow is to reveal thatall sin is nescience or unknowing with the exception of that which man does in malice and love for the doing of evil. The Christ Light has come to this earth to relieve men of the false in doctrinal beliefs, and to return men to the dignity of their souls’ intent.”

“These spiritual ones … are marshaling theirforces so as to serve where God would send or place them in their serving.” 

“The Esse is the essence of God overcoming absence from God.”

“Through God-Essences or Esse, one extracts the essence of good from all conditions and situations.” 

Humanity has the capacity for both “doing good” and for “doing harm”. Sin (violation of divine law) is commonly from not KNOWING what divine law is.  Sin can also be from “malice and love for the doing of evil.”  This quote illustrates that we should educate the ignorant in returning to the essence of God.  

For those who maliciously choose and love doing harm there are a myriad of other options to seek to safeguard the innocent from being encouraged to seek harm for the pleasure of it.  This is where “these spiritual ones” play a role in encouraging humanity to progress to an ever more capacity for “doing good.”  Groups such as those illustrated in the Master’s of the Far East books, the GFLAA and MANY, many more seek to serve where needed.

The Soul(s) of Humanity

This book divides the Soul into functional parts–a lower, an upper and a “Most High” Soul. About the Soul, the book notes that:

“God as the vibrating Word in all life resides in the soul of each one in the earth. This vibration in man is experienced in and through movement. …Such movement in life as energy is a means by which God makes Himself known, seen, and heard.”

“Every molecule, every atom, every cell, and every portion of life in which man is involved is in constant states of vibrational movement and motion. There are no vacuums or vacuities in life and consciousness. All is movement.”

“When movement is used sacredly as service for God, one is in a transcendental and spiritualized state. The most chief agent to inspire the highest use of movement as an intelligible vehicle of service to God is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works through what is called in the heaven worlds the Esse.”

“The inner life is a vibrating, dilating life. … working directly with the soul to enable him to bring forth from God His Plan and His Will. The inner nature of man, when polarized, is a forward, outgoing nature toward the needs in the world. Through the Esse or the Holy-Spirit movement, the inner life presses forth and out into the world.” 

Hence we acknowledge the “inside out” portion as the Spirit presses the inner life out into the world.

Now lets look at that part of the Soul what the book terms as the Undersoul.

“All persons having failed to use the movement processes flowing out from the inner life through the urging of the Esse have collected a sedimentized energy-envelope around the astral, the etheric and mental bodies.” 
“This energy oval sphere and envelope is surrounded by an egotistical shell. Within this envelope is a cloud-like mass of floating thought forms, frustrated emotions, and mass-energized nuclei of guilt or sin produced by lack of conscience, by deviation, by lack of faith in God, by complete dependence upon sense and sensuality. This mass sedimentized energy-field of deviation is called the Undersoul.”

“The Esse penetrates the Undersoul … cleansing comes, and the desire to know and relate to God increases.”

“Meditation inevitably slows down the outer life and speeds up the inner life. …The true Holy Spirit cannot be functional as the Esse in man until his desire is total and wholly to know God, to give himself to God, and to live as a godly reflection in the world.”

“The Esse vibrational quickening of the Undersoul produces more movement as action in the outer life; more knowledge and wisdom in the inner life.”

The book succinctly states: 

“The body of man is an action vehicle. When body movement is used in conjunction with meditation, the Holy Spirit is activated when the movement is expressed through a sacramental and devotional emotion, for the Esse or the Holy Spirit cannot function without its companion: holy emotion.” 

“The doing of good, the use of the Agape or the holy concern, the giving-channeling for the love of God – all are manifestors of the Holy Spirit outwardly experienced by man and through man in the world.”

And the HEART is step one: 

“The subconscious works with the dilation process in conjunction with the heart, and the Undersoul works with the heart’s contraction. The heart is the first organ of conscience.” 

“The human heart works directly as a vehicle for the conscience. The subconscious is an activator for the conscience. The Undersoul contracts and draws to itself the record or picture of one’s shame, guilt, inertias, faults, and sins.” 

“The world at present is undergoing a combined scourging from the mass Undersoul action within the collective subconscious of mankind.”

It would seem that the heart of humanity is on the road to change and that everyone who chooses makes themselves an ambassador.

“Each one of the earth is enlisted as a soul in a school of Cosmos universality. … Spiritual scientists understand that... In applying movement through the Esse or Holy Spirit, one enters into a realistic confrontation with the powers of his own soul, conscience, subconscious, and Undersoul.”

“A truth-teller stands alone among the fantasized and the spiritually illiterate. …The two-edged sword of truth provides the way through which a pathway is made for the walk of light. Truth must be the beginning or there is no Path.”

“True Self, the Most High Soul, ego, and the Undersoul are soul-extended necessary vehicles for man in all states of consciousness as related to the earth-developing planet.”

“The True Self is the real, deathless, eternal, everlasting Self imaged of God.”

“This True Self is not the direct participant in the ego’s actions. The True Self projects the ego as an ambassador. The True Self records and watches rather than acts.”

“The nature of the True Self is to be the Guiding Principle.”

“True Self, having spirit rather than physical form, relies upon ego as the form-functional vehicle. The Most-High-Esse cleansing comes when one sees the need and goes forth in the Agape Spirit to heal, to teach, to free, to feed, to comfort.” 

“Ya Know?!”

Many are ignorant of what they know. Many, if not most, have their knowledge only through what they have learned about and only what they have personally experienced.  But there is a knowing that is more grand than that limited knowledge.  The book terms these niscience and nescience.  Nescience is “ignorance, a state of not knowing," and is from ancient word roots meaning “not knowing” and makes use of the same word root that forms the word science.  Niscience is a term created by the author of this book is said to mean "knowing".  Her explanation is that:

“Only one letter in nescience (unknowing), when changed to the i as in Niscience (knowing), makes the difference between dark and light, or the pure and the impure: E as in ego, nescienceI as in the Divine or Niscience in God.”  
“Niscience or knowing through the Esse as movement in conjunction with meditation and other spiritual practices produces the awareness that the lesser self or ego is a composite accumulation of … life experiences – and beyond and over-directing this is the True Self centered in God, the One.”

Esse as realization phases out or dies if obstructed by a non-Agape spirit. The desire to heal and to serve cleanses the Undersoul.”

The Upa (Upper) Soul 

The Upa-soul is described as “the bridge between soul and Undersoul.”

“In the game of life, one must be selfless and he must care less whether he wins or not. God is the only Winner. Soul, as a vehicle of God, cannot fail.”

“To know God as the Will is to invite the guiding down-flow of the Esse. To know God as the Life is to live in the holy movement of the Esse. To know God as the Light is to be in a constant state of revelation, vision, inspiration and realization. To know God as Love is to be a vehicle of Agape, of peace, of Truth, of movement through works supreme.”

“The Upa-Soul is a free bridge to the Most High Soul.” 

“The Upa-Soul as mediator makes it possible for one to receive the Esse Holy-Spirit Passing flowing from the Most High Soul.” 

“The True Self remains a patient Watcher over the ego; but when the time is ripe for the True Self to reveal the shining face of its truth and reality, … when the bright day of illumination comes, and one knows himself to be free of self-ambition and ego-exaltation, he has come to the true face of the True Self.”

More in the coming months….