(Body) Seven Main chakras & Energy Reception

 Chakras & Energy Reception

We take in energy through our body's chakra system.  The following information relates to our seven main chakra centers.

Each chakra interprets energy somewhat differently and most of the time we are more developed in certain chakras than others.... therefore we each receive and interpret information in our own way.  

7th Chakra (Crown) receives information regarding our soul purpose, life cycles, guides, and karma.

Energy received from this chakra will contain messages from our guides, loved ones, and Higher Self.    Our ability through this chakra when developed gives us the sense of Direct Knowing.

6th Chakra:  (Brow)  contains mental energy, thoughts, and beliefs. 

This chakra transforms energy into vision and thought.  When developed this chakra offers skills in Clairvoyance (clear seeing) and Clairaudience (clear knowing).  

5th Chakra:  (Throat) receives energy of the word; those who teach or chant use this chakra.  

Psychic energy may be felt here as the senses of taste and smell.

4th Chakra (Heart)  receives energy as emotion.  All feelings, difficult and loving make their way to us through the heart. 

Our hearts must be open to receive & transform energy in this chakra to Love, Peace,        Joy, etc.

3rd Chakra:  (solar plexus)  For many this is the main intuitive channel.

Gut feelings…knowingness may be felt from this area.

2nd Chakra:  (Sacral) receives energy is a more physical way…  responds to our physical world, finances, relationships, and career issues.  

Fear, dread, limitedness, etc. may be felt from this chakra.

1st Chakra:  (Root) grounds us to the physical world.

Through this chakra we communicate with animals, plants, and the natural world.  

Our psychic receptors reach out through our chakras and into our surroundings to interpinterpret information for us in the form of words, images, feelings, and impressions.

When we gain enough practice, trust, and knowledge of this language we can accurately interpret our own energy, and also the past, present, and possible future of others.