Seven Basic Chakras

Characteristics ~ Emotions/Behaviors

Beliefs ~ Energy

The following information will assist you in becoming familiar with each chakra system according to their functions, emotions and behavior patterns.  Taking time to contemplate the questions associated with each chakra will enhance your connections, communications, and relationships in all areas of your life.

 Chakra One:  I LIVE

Physical energy

Connection with the natural world

Emotion: Fear vs. Safety/Trust

Belief:  Separation vs. Connection

  • What belief patterns did you inherit from your family?
  • Do you have any unfinished business with your family members?
  • How is your physical energy level on a scale of 0-100%?

You lose energy when you:

  • Subscribe to family or social beliefs that no longer serve you
  • Consider your religion, political beliefs, social class, etc. to be better than others
  • Hold on to negative experiences with your family

You reinforce energy when you:

  • Recognize and nurture your connection with the natural world 

Chakra Two:  I FEEL

Sexual Energy

Feelings about yourself

Emotion: Guilt vs. Acceptance

Belief:  Limited vs. Expansive

  • Do you follow through on your creative ideas?
  • How is your sexual energy level on a scale of 0-100%?
  • Does money have authority over you?

You lose energy when you:

  • Try to control others in relationships
  •  Fuel fears about making or losing money
  • Hold unresolved conflicts about your sexuality

You reinforce energy when you:

  • Nurture supportive relationships
  • Let go of past sexual traumas
  • Give up addictions

Chakra Three:  I THINK

Perception of yourself in the world

How you think about yourself

Emotion:  Shame vs. Confidence

Belief:  Duality vs. Non-Duality

  • Do you like/love yourself?
  • Do you respect yourself?
  • Are you able to admit when you are wrong?
  • Are you critical of yourself/others?

You lose energy when you:

  • Break your commitments to yourself
  •  Manipulate others to gain their approval
  • Fail to maintain clear personal boundaries

You reinforce energy when you:

  • Take pride in your work
  • Trust your intuition
  • Keep your word

Chakra Four:  I LOVE

Openness to life/love

Will towards outer world

Emotion: Grief vs. Self Reflection

Belief:  Guilt vs. Compassion

  • Do you use your emotional wounds to control people or situations?
  • Do you allow yourself to be controlled by the wounds of another?
  • Who are the people or situations you still need to forgive?

You lose energy when you:

  • Allow past negative experiences to limit your choices
  • Hold on to resentments
  • Don’t allow others to love you

You reinforce energy when you:

  • Forgive others unconditionally
  • Love yourself
  • Love others enough to let them experience the world in their own way

Chakra FiveI SPEAK

Responsibility - Will

Who you think you are in the world

Behavior:  Telling Lies

Belief:  Suffering vs. Truth

  • Are you able to express yourself honestly and openly?
  • Do you trust guidance that has no ‘proof’ of an outcome attached to it?
  • What makes you lose control of your will-power?

You lose energy when you:

  • Let others define your needs and wants
  • Experience shame
  • Tell lies

You reinforce energy when you:

  • Exercise self-control
  • Empower others
  • Speak honestly

Chakra SixI SEE


Steps to goals

Behavior:  Small picture vs. Big picture

Belief:  Savior vs. Self Identity

  • What beliefs do you continue to accept that you know are not true?
  • Do you give yourself excuses for behaving in a negative way? 
  • What beliefs and attitudes would you like to change in yourself?

You lose energy when you:

  • Hold on to grief
  • Insist on rational explanations for your internal experience
  • Close your mind to non-rational possibilities

You reinforce energy when you:

  • Take emotional risks
  •  Open your mind to extravagant possibilities
  • Follow your hunches 

Chakra Seven:   I AM

New Energy

Connection to Spirit

Behavior:  Attachments

Belief:  Spiritual Addiction/Skepticism vs. Universal Identity

  • Do you complain to God more than you express gratitude?
  • What spiritual truths are you aware of that you do not live by?
  • Do you believe that your God is more authentic than the Divine in other spiritual traditions?

You lose energy when you:

  • Live a life without faith
  • Put conditions on your spiritual experience
  • Reject guidance unless it comes in a form you approve

You reinforce energy when you:

  • Connect to Your Divinity
  • Express gratitude
  • Regard your life as a vehicle for spiritual development


By: Jackie /Zientah

Oneness Now Energy ~ Transformational Light Center

Discovering and Embracing Your Divine Purpose

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