This stimulated me to create a full alphabet for living a quality life.
Meditate upon these concepts and see if you come up with better suggestions for each letter.
A — Air availability and quality
B — Breath ability and quality
C — Circulation and mobility
D — Drinking and hydration
E — Eating: mindful caloric intake
F — Fitness for the environment
G — Goals, and goal setting
H — Home: safety and security for rest and down time
I — “I” time: just for me
J — Justice: for all
K — Keeping: faith, love, hope, joy...
L — Love: agape
M — Memory: staying mentally sharp
N — Needs meeting: for security and peace
O — Obedience: to just and moral action
P — Peace: security and absence of conflict
Q — Quiet: "be still and know that I Am God"
R — Rabbi: be a spiritual master, kung fu, Guru, Master Craftsman
S — Serenity: a calm, clear, mental environment
T — Tranquility: quiet in spirit
U — Ultra Vires: a Latin phrase that translates to “beyond the powers”; live Ultra Vires of this world.
B — Breath ability and quality
C — Circulation and mobility
D — Drinking and hydration
E — Eating: mindful caloric intake
F — Fitness for the environment
G — Goals, and goal setting
H — Home: safety and security for rest and down time
I — “I” time: just for me
J — Justice: for all
K — Keeping: faith, love, hope, joy...
L — Love: agape
M — Memory: staying mentally sharp
N — Needs meeting: for security and peace
O — Obedience: to just and moral action
P — Peace: security and absence of conflict
Q — Quiet: "be still and know that I Am God"
R — Rabbi: be a spiritual master, kung fu, Guru, Master Craftsman
S — Serenity: a calm, clear, mental environment
T — Tranquility: quiet in spirit
U — Ultra Vires: a Latin phrase that translates to “beyond the powers”; live Ultra Vires of this world.
V — Val: be strong, be firm
W —Warden: one who guards or "watches out for" someone or something
X — Xenial: hospitable
Y — YHWH’s, or if you prefer "yes: affirmative to the light"
Z — Zeal: to seek, to desire
X — Xenial: hospitable
Y — YHWH’s, or if you prefer "yes: affirmative to the light"
Z — Zeal: to seek, to desire