Volume 1, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East; Overview with Commentary

About the Author:

Baird T. Spalding, whose name became legend in metaphysical and truth circles ... played an important part in introducing to the Western world the knowledge that there are Masters, or Elder Brothers, who are assisting and guiding the destiny of mankind.

Mr. Spalding died in the 1950s.  "We are therefore without contact with anyone who has firsthand knowledge of the work, and the books themselves are now the only source of information."


"I was one of a research party of eleven persons that visited the Far East in 1894.  During our stay of three and a half years we contacted the Great Masters of the Himalayas, who aided us in the translation of the records, which was of great assistance in our research work.  They permitted us to enter into their lives intimately and we were thus able to see the actual working of the great Law as demonstrated by them.  We call them Masters, which is merely our name for them.  One living the life described herein is entitled to (respect) as a Master."

"Records and manuscripts – our actual experience with the Masters – were preserved.  Personally, at that time I thought the world was not ready for this message."

Volume 1 "gives the first year's experience of the expedition in relation to the Masters.  It includes their teaching."

"The Masters accept that Buddha represents the Way to Enlightenment, but they clearly set forth that Christ IS Enlightenment, or state of consciousness for which we are all seeking – The Christ light of every individual; therefore, the light of every child that is born into the world."

Chapter 1

"I am only giving a resume of our experience with the Masters..."

"...no attempt to authenticate these experiences is made.  There were eleven practical, scientifically trained men in our party. ...We went in thoroughly skeptical and came away thoroughly convinced..."

"We were to accompany these Masters, live their lives, and determine for ourselves."

"By this time I had read a number of books on Hindu lore, selected by Emil, and I was fully convinced that he was one of the adepts."

[siddha (Sanskrit: Meaning, "one who is accomplished") refers to perfected spiritual masters who have transcended the ahamkara (ego, or I-maker) and transformed themselves into spiritual beings. Siddhas are described in HinduBuddhist, and Tantric texts. They are said to have attained the realization of siddhis (psychic abilities and powers) through their many lifetimes of spiritual practice. Their alleged magical powers are claimed to arise from the efficacy of their spiritual practice.
Siddhi is a Sanskrit word that literally means "accomplishment," "attainment," or "success."[1] It is also used as a term for spiritual power (or psychic ability) in Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism. These spiritual powers supposedly vary from relatively simple forms of clairvoyance to being able to levitate, bilocate, become as small as an atom, materialize objects, have access to memories from past lives, and more.
There are several primary siddhis that can be attained through disciplined practice:

  • Parkaya Pravesha: Parkaya Pravesh means one’s soul entering into the body of some other person. Through this knowledge, even a dead body can be brought to life.
  • Haadi Vidya: This Vidya or knowledge has been mentioned in several ancient texts. On acquiring this Vidya, a person feels neither hunger nor thirst, and can remain without eating food or drinking water for several days at a stretch.
  • Kaadi Vidya: Just as one does not feel hungry or thirsty in Haadi Vidya, similarly in Kaadi Vidya, a person is not affected by change of seasons (that is, by summer, winter, rain, etc.). After accomplishing this Vidya, a person shall not feel cold even if he sits in the snow-laden mountains, and shall not feel hot even if he sits in the fire.
  • Vayu Gaman SiddhiL Through this Siddhi, a person can become capable of flying in the skies and traveling from one place to another in just a few seconds.
  • Madalasa Vidya: On accomplishing this Vidya, a person becomes capable of increasing or decreasing the size of his body according to his wishHanuman had miniaturized his body through this Vidya while entering the city of Lanka.
  • Kanakdhara Siddhi: One can acquire immense and unlimited wealth through this Siddhi.
  • Prakya Sadhana: Through this Sadhana a Yogi can direct his disciple to take birth from the womb of a woman who is childless or cannot bear children.
  • Surya Vigyan: This solar science is one of the most significant sciences of ancient India. Using it, it is said that one substance can be transformed into another through the medium of sun rays.
  • Mrit Sanjeevani Vidya: This Vidya was created by Guru Shukracharya. Through it, even a dead person can be brought back to life.
Mahasiddha: great (maha) accomplished one (siddha), or great [spiritually] accomplished one, also known as Indian adepts. They are the principal Indian teachers of Hindu and Buddhist Tantra, or any great religious teacher that is credited with having special attainments and powers.]

"We later found that the Masters are able to communicate with each other instantly by thought transference or, as they call it, a force much more subtle than either electricity or wireless." [the Ether-net]

Regarding the miracles accomplished by the adepts "This is not the mortal self, the self you see, that is able to do these things.  It is a truer, deeper self.  It is what you know as God, God within me, God the Omnipotent One working through me, that does these things. ... It is only when I get rid of the outer entirely and let the actual, the I AM, speak and work and let the great Love of God come forth that I can do these things that you have seen.  When you let the Love of God pour through you to all things, nothing fears you and no harm can befall you."

"Their work is accomplished without ostentation and in perfect childlike simplicity. The know the power of love to protect them and they cultivate it until all nature is in love with them and befriends them."

"They realize their number is limited and that only a few scholars can come to them.  In the invisible, however, they can reach almost unlimited numbers and it seems to be the greater work of their lives to reach out into the invisible and help all who are receptive to their teaching."

Chapter 2

"We arrived at Potal, for where the expedition was to start, late in the afternoon of December 22, 1894..."

[Christmas] "To us this day means more; to us this day not only means the advent into this world of Jesus, the Christ, but also this birth typifies the birth of christ in every human consciousness. "

"... the birth of the Great Master and Teacher, the Great Liberator of mankind from material bondage and limitations. ..to show that God is all Goodness, all Wisdom, all Truth, All in All.  ... to show more fully that God not only dwells without us but within us, that He never is, nor can be, separated from us or any of His creations; that He is always a just and loving God; that He is in all things; knows all things; knows all and is all Truth."

"We are fully convinced and we hope you also will see that this Great Master and Teacher came to us that we might have a fuller understanding of life here on earth; that ll mortal limitations are but man-made and in not other way should they be interpreted.  ... to show more fully that the Christ in Him and thorugh whom He did His mighty works is the same Christ that lives in you, in me, and in all mankind; that we can, by applying His teachings, do all the works that He did and greater works. ... God is the one and only Cause of all things."

"I am of the opinion that what Jesus taught came to Him as a direct revelation from God ... whatever one human being can do, cannot all do? ... God is ever willing and ready to reveal Himself to all men as He has revealed Himself to Jesus and others.  The only requisite necessary is for each one to be willing to let God come forth."

Chapter 3

"I wish to call to your attention more fully to the act that man in his right domain is limitless, knows no limit of time or space. ... Man in his right estate can accomplish any distance, it matters not the magnitude, instantly."

"we are only ordinary humans of the same source as you; that there is no mystery but that we have developed the powers given all by the Father, the Great Omnipotent One ..."

"You have seen me appear in this room, as you would say, by magic.  Let me say there is no magic about it.  [Just as in a glass of water] a minute particle of ice is forming in the very center of the water, you see it gather to itself particle by particle, more ice, until now the whole of the water in the glass is frozen. ... I held the central atoms of water in the Universal until they became formed or, in other words, I lowered their vibrations until they became ice and all the other particles formed around them until the whole has become ice."

If done for self-glorification no miracle is done through the power of God.  "I know the law and what I express returns to me as truly as I express it.  Therefore, I express only the good and the good returns to me only as good. ...reaping the harvest of my desire."

"In the little room where you left me I held my body in the Universal by raising its vibrations and it returned to the Universal or, as we say, returning it to the Universal where all substance exists.  Then, through my I AM, my Christ Consciousness, I held my body in my mind until its vibrations were lowered and it took form right here in this room and you could see it."

"The Christ, or superconscious mind, the place of receptivity within ourselves.  Then it must be carried to the mount or highest within ourselves, the very top of the head.  It is held there.  We must then llow the Holy Spirit to descend.  Now comes the admonition 'Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength and with all thy mind.'  Think! Does the meaning come?  Heart, Soul, Strength, Mind.  Is there anything to do at this point but to turn it all over to God, the Holy Spirit, the Whole-I-Spirit in action? ... we call it God in expression, through the Christ in us."

"It is thus the Christ comes to all of us; first as an ideal planted in the soil of our soul – the central part where God is [our core, cor, heart] – held in mind as the perfect ideal, then brought forth or born as the perfect Child, the Christ Consciousness."

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

A good summarization of mitosis and meiosis...

"Are we not all one with the universal mind substance, God? "

"Before falling asleep suggest to your consciousness, 'I now realize that there is within me a spiritual joy-body ever young, ever beautiful.  I have beautiful, spiritual mind, eyes, nose, mouth, skin – the body of the Divine Infant, which now, tonight, is perfect.' ... Within me there is a perfect form – the form Divine.  I am now all that I desire to be!"

Chapter 6

"This is called the Temple of Silence, the Place of Power.  Silence is power, for when we reach the place of silence in mind, we have reached the place of power–the place where all is one, the one power– God.  'Be still and know that I Am God.'  Diffused power is noise.  Concentrated power is silence."

[Spiritual disciplines – In silence, one ceases the consumption of any human-created input, and this includes not only audible stimuli, but the reading of the written word as well — an act that, though quiet, still involves “listening” to the text.  Silence further encompasses not just the quieting of external noise produced by others, but also the noise produced by oneself; it requires the cessation of all talking, or speaking only when absolutely necessary.  In silence, the only words one attends to are those that are created inwardly, and the only words one produces take the form of personal writing/journaling.

“Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind, and spirit. The man who preserves his selfhood ever calm and unshaken by the storms of existence—not a leaf, as it were, astir on the tree; not a ripple upon the surface of shining pool—his, in the mind of the unlettered sage, is the ideal attitude and conduct of life.”]

"Only as we turn from the without to the silence of the within can we hope to make conscious union with God.  We will realize that His power is for us to use and we will use it at all times.  Then we will know that we are one with His power"

"Man has not learned to do the greater works of God because he has not realized the greatness of God's power and has not known that God's power is for man's use."

"We must seek God through the Christ within, ... When the Father within is worshiped in Spirit and Truth, He hears the calls of that soul which sincerely opens to Him. ... God does not speak in the fire, the earthquake, or the great wind, but in the still, small voice – the still, small voice deep in our own souls."

"He will realize that only in consciousness has there been any separation of these which have seemed two – just as his spirit and his body have seemed to be two – but which in reality are one." 

[Jacob's ladder] "It is this 'ladder' of consciousness, revealed in a vision to Jacob, which each of us must climb before we can enter that silent secret place of the Most High and find that we are in the very center of every created thing, one with all things visible and invisible, in and of the Omnipresence."  [Angels (messengers) ascending and descending] "He saw the angels of God descending and ascending upon it – God's ideas descending from Spirit to form and ascending again.  It was the same revelation that came to Jesus when the 'heavens were opened unto him' and he saw the wonderful law of expression whereby ideas conceived in the divine Mind come forth into expression and manifest as form.  So perfectly was this law of expression revealed to the Master that at once he saw all form may be transformed, or changed in form, through a change of consciousness in regard to it.  His first temptation was to change the form of stones to that of bread ... [but came] the true understanding that stones as well as all other visible forms have come froth from the Universal Mind Substance, God, and are in themselves true expressions of divine Mind; and all things desired (not formed) are sill in this Universal Mind Substance ready to be created or brought forth to fill every desire.  ... the substance with which to create bread or any other needed thing is at hand without limitation and bread can be created from this substance just as well as stones can be created therefrom.  Every good desire man has is God's desire; therefore, there is an unlimited supply in the Universal God Substance all about us to fill every desire.  All we need do is to learn to use what God has already created for us..."

"Now we see that God is within the soul as power, substance, and intelligence – or in spiritual terms, wisdom, love and truth – and is brought out into form or expression through consciousness. ... When we see that Spirit is all and that form is constantly being expressed from Spirit, then we understand that that which is born of or brought out of Spirit is Spirit."

"We have been perfectly conceived [formed wholly for God's purposes].  ... By having this realization brought to our consciousness we can contact the divine Mind and so re-conceive what God has already conceived for us.  This is what Jesus called being 'born again'."

"The being of the form is perfect God-power, substance, and intelligence.  It is not the Being of the form that we wish to change, but the form  that Being has assumed. ... from the thought of man to the thought of God."

"righteousness (right-use-ness)"

"The Temple of the Living God is the blending of the greater with the lesser through which the lesser becomes one with the greater.  The impurity was caused by the separation of the lesser from the greater.  The purity is caused by their union, so that no longer is there a greater and lesser, but just the one good, whole, pure..."

"It is separation from [God] that has caused sin, sickness, poverty, and death.  It is union with Him that causes one to become a whole Being or to become conscious of being whole."

"Christ stands alone supreme and we realize that we have to build but one temple – the Temple of the Living God within our very selves.  Then the Holy Spirit fills the consciousness and the sense delusions ... become no more."

Chapter 7

"You will see that here I have a few kernels of corn or corn seed.  I will plant them.  By this act I have definitely said that I want corn.  I have formed corn in my mind.  I have fulfilled the law and in due season it will come forth. ... Why not use a higher or more perfect law, given us by the Father, to produce it?  All that is required is to become quiet and visualize or idealize corn and we have corn cured, ready for use. ... why not use a more perfect law and bring forth a more perfect thing or exactly what you want – bread.  You will see by using this more perfect, or as you would say, more subtle law, I am able to bring forth exactly what I Need – bread.  And as we stood there spellbound a large loaf of bread was in his hands."

"our supply is right at hand in Universal Substance where all supply exists and all we need do is to create it or bring it forth."

"You do not let God express perfectly through you as it is His desire to do."

"All were to see that Jesus was sent by the Father to show us that the Father intended us to create exactly as He creates; all are to do the perfect work as Jesus did by recognizing the Christ in himself and in all."

"This loaf I just received ... is consumed as though burned by fire. ... I misused the perfect law that brought forth my conception and consumed that which I brought forth ... the perfect law which is as exact as music or mathematics or any other so-called natural law.  ... now in unmanifest form ... Is this not the way with all forms that go from our sight either by fire or decay or in any other way?  Do they not return to the Universal Substance – God– from which they sprang?"

"I can use the law ... just as long as I use [it] as a benefit to mankind, or as long as I am working in living accord with the law, or expressing as God wishes all to express. ... by using the highest law, the absolute law of God, you may bring forth that which you need or conceive in mind as your highest idea and thus please God more fully by manifesting more fully, knowing as Jesus did that we are perfect Sons of God".

"Materialism was allowed to creep in until the very power used to create is the power that will consume; just as the very power used to create will always consume if not used rightly. ... done by simply realizing that we are to do the perfect works of God, to raise our consciousness to the Christ Consciousness".

"In the beginning was the Word and the word was with God...at this time, everything to be formed later was in unmanifest form in the Universal Mind Substance...in chaos.  This word, chaos, is misinterpreted to mean a turbulent or warring state, instead of the deep, spiritual state of actuality, always awaiting a definite, creative, spoken word through which it can spring forth into manifest form. ... Had not the definite spoken word been plut forth into the ormless ether, nothing would have been created or brought forth into visible form." 

[Chaos:  from ancient words meaning "to yawn, gape, be wide open."  Thus, the unmanifest form(s) in the mind of God was "wide open".  The Logos was there and is now here (not nowhere).  As a "relative" of Christ we are authorized to be with Christ at the "wide open" mind of God....]  "know that we are all one, one man, and know that we are all members of God's body..." we are authorized to make use of God's creation for God's purposes, which, if we have been desirous of "being in Christ" are God's purposes.

"Realize that there is nothing material in heaven.  All is spiritual."
[Spirit: the vital animating principle in man and animals that is inspired (breathed or blown into).  So, all in heaven is God "blowing into life" ...]
"The Father is right here in the very innermost part of our being."

"God, all good, ... [the word God means good] created all things.... [Note that biblically all of God's creations were deemed good...hence all of God's creations were deemed "of God"] ... Man saw only good, and all was good until man separated himself rom God and saw duality, or two.  Then he, by his thought created two, one good and the other the opposite; for if there were two they would be opposite – good and evil.  Thus evil came through man's perfect power to express or bring forth that which he gazed upon.  If man had not seen evil, evil would have been given no power of expression."

[The human was tempted to choose "not God" through disobedience to God, thus was evil allowed to express ITS creations into the world.  Note that apparently "Satan" did not "disobey" God, but through influencing human to choose to disobey allowed humans to choose something other than God which "Satan" is happy to offer.  But note that even in Job, "Satan" is obedient to God's directives..."  Human is still free to choose God, or not God.  This is the "sorting action" that allows those who choose God to draw closer to God and to recognize that God – all good – is within them and ready for expression into the world.]

Jesus showed us "we have the same spiritual body and that we can do all the works He did.  Did he not unfold His life here on earth to show us the perfect way to God?"

"He relied wholly upon His deep knowledge or understanding of God and this is how He did His mighty works.  He did not rely upon His own will power or upon strong, concentrated thoughts. "

"We must all ascend to the heights, the very highest in consciousness to receive our illumination.  This height means the very top of the head and there, if the faculty is not developed, we must develop it by spiritual thoughts.  Then from the heart, the love center, we must let love flow forth to balance all and when this is done the Christ is revealed. ... Then with constant love, we must realize this for all."

"Realize that each soul is a perfect outpictured ideal image of God as God sees Himself; that each soul is given the same power, expression, and dominion over all that God Himself has. ... each person is an expression or pressing out (from the unseen, the Spirit) into visible form, a form through which God loves to express."

Chapter 8

Story of walking on water....

"If man was given dominion over all things, he was certainly give power...why has he not asserted this dominion long ago?  The fault must certainly be in man's own mind. ...by man's own mortal concept of himself."

"You are perfectly right, it is all in man's consciousness.  He is limited or unlimited, bound or free, just as he thinks."

Chapter 9  

The story of the Healing Temple...

"The temple is a concrete thing located in one place, representing the God center, the Christ in the individual ... and that it is always accessible to those desiring to go there."

"Any idol can only imperfectly picture the ideal..."

"Another may teach or tell you, but you of yourselves must do the work, for if you look to another, you build the idol instead of bringing forth the ideal."

Chapter 10

"Through the power or process of thought we can transmute and evolve our bodies, or our outer conditions and surroundings, through recognition of this Christ Consciousness within ourselves. ... done wholly through ... power to visualize, idealize, conceive, and bring forth that which he gazes upon.  This is done by first knowing, or perceiving, or having faith that the Christ is within ourselves; seeing the ... meaning of Jesus' teaching; holding our body one with God, ... and merging that body into the perfect God body just as God sees us. ... truly of and in the Spirit Kingdom of God."

"It is in this way that we can return all things to the Universal Mind Substance.... Then by holding them in their pure, spiritual, perfect state, the vibrations are lowered and the things we wish to create come forth in perfect form."

"In this way we can take every false belief, every old condition, every sin, all of our past life...and we can say to them all, 'I now return you to the great ocean of Universal Mind Substance, from which all things come forth and where all is perfection, and from which you sprang, there to be again resolved into the elements from which you were created."

"We can say to ourselves...I brought you forth imperfectly and you manifest imperfectly.  Realizing the Truth, I now bring you forth perfect as God sees you.  You are reborn perfect and it is so."

"Can you believe that there is any other than a Master Mind working out its unfoldment. .... As the seed must first burst its shell in order to grow, so must we burst our shell of limitation to begin our growth.

"e pluribus unum is understood.  Do you not realize that it is one of the first great laws of God, the one expressing through the many, one of all and for all?"

"Consider every nation that has been founded.  Those founded on true spiritual perception have endured the longest and would have endured forever, had not materialism been allowed to creep in and gradually undermine the whole structure until they fell by their own abnormal weight or were consumed by the misuse of the law that gave them birth."

"Had they conserved and developed their spiritual power they would be as resilient and buoyant at five hundred, five thousand, or ten thousand years, or eternally, as they were in the heyday of their ascendancy."

"All must progress or go back; there is no halfway point, no stopping place."

Chapter 11

Regarding the "appearing out of nothing" that the Masters do:

"The  warmth that you feel in this room comes from a force that we are all able to contact and use.  This force or power is higher than any of your mechanical force or power but can be contacted by man and used as light, heat, and power even to the driving of all mechanical appliances.  it is what we call a universal force. ... We call it Universal Power, God Power, supplied by the Father to work for all His children."

"We were told that the food came prepared as we had eaten it, direct from the Universal."

"My mother is one who [is] able to take [her body] with her god on and receive the highest teachings.  Therefore she is living in the invisible at all times.  She is doing this from choice as she wishes to receive the highest; and by receiving the highest teaching she is able to greatly assist us."

The Celestial Realm "is a place in consciousness where every mystery is revealed.  Those who have reached that state of consciousness are outside the mortal vision but they can return and converse and teach those who are receptive.  They can come in their own bodies ... they can go where they will with them.  They are able to return to earth without reincarnation."

"This body was given to us as a spiritual, perfect body and we must so see and keep the body in order to retain it.  Those who have left the body and have gone on in spirit now realize that they must again take up a body and go on and perfect it."

Chapter 12

"We were to keep in communication with each other through our friends. ... In giving these messages, each would write them out in full and note the time to the minute on each message; then when the answer came we would do the same. ... we compared notes and found that all notes corresponded."

"We kept accurate records of these appearances and disappearances; also we noted the time, the place, and the conversations and all checked fully when we compared notes later."

"These wild people [yeti type] call the Master the men from the sun and ...they do not resist [them]"

"They [yeti type] are God's children, the same as we are, only they have lived so long in hatred and fear of their fellow-men and they have so developed the hatred and fear faculty that they have isolated themselves from their fellow-mento such and extent that they have completely forgotten they are descendants of the human family, and think themselves the wild creatures they appear to be. ... man brings forth that which he gazes upon [visualizes] and separates himself from God and man, and in this way he can go lower than the animal"

Chapter 13

"It is one of the first temples erected by the Siddha teachers and was erected by the as a place where they could go and have perfect silence."

[Siddha guru is the name given to a spiritual master who is said to have an uninterrupted identification with their supreme Self. From Sanskrit, siddha means "one who is accomplished" and guru means "instructor" or "teacher." A siddha guru has transcended the ego and resides in a body completely dominated by sattvaThe mind of a siddha guru is said to be entirely subservient to their greater awareness.]

[Sattva is the quality of goodness, positivity, truth, serenity, balance, peacefulness, and virtuousness that is drawn towards Dharma and Jnana (knowledge)]
A forest fire – "which seemed to be in the direction the fire was raging the most.  Then immediately it seemed as if a great archway opened before us and we went on directly through that fire, without the least inconvenience, either from smoke or heat, or from the burning brands strewn along the trail under our feet.  There were at least six miles of this fire-swept area that we passed through."

"Can you not see how easy it is to use God's higher law to replace a lower one when you really need the higher?  We have now raised the vibrations of our bodies to a higher vibration than that of the fire and the fire does not harm us.  If senses mortal could see us now, they would think we had disappeared, when in reality our identity is as it has always been.  In reality we actually see no difference.  It is the concept of the mortal senses that loses contact with us.  Could they see us as we are, no doubt they would think we had ascended.  In reality that is what happens.  We do ascend to a plane of consciousness where the mortal does lose contact with us.  All can do the same as we are doing.  ... We are able to use this law to convey our bodies through any space.  This is the law we are using when you see us appear and disappear or, as you call it, annihilate space.   We simply overcome difficulties by raising our consciousness above them and in this way we are able to overcome or to come up over all limitations that man in mortal consciousness has placed upon himself."

Chapter 14

"This village proved very interesting as there are certain well-preserved records that, translated, appear to be conclusive evidence that John the Baptist resided in the village for about five years. (up to about twelve years)."

"Seemed to prove conclusively that he resided in this country for about twelve years. ... would seem to prove that John the Baptist sojourned with these people through Tibet, China, Persia, and India for about twenty years."

"I could see these teachings going back in the dim past to the very beginning whence all came forth from one Source or Substance, God.  I could see the different offshoots of these teachings being put forth by individuals, each individual adding his concept each thinking it was his, revealed to him by God or a direct revelation from God to him alone; each feeling that he had the only true message and that he was the only one to give his message to the world.  In this way the mortal concepts were mixed with that of the true revelation intended and diversity and inharmony resulted.  Then I could see these people, the Masters, standing firmly on the rock of true spirituality, perceiving that man is truly immortal, sinless, deathless, unchanging, eternal, the image and likeness of God."

"A great many were really helped and in that way their interest was aroused.  They would for a time become workers but the greater part of them soon fell back into their old ways of living, as they found it would be too much exertion to take up the work in earnest. ... there seems to be about one percent of those that profess to believe that are really in earnest.  The rest depend entirely upon others to help them when they get into trouble.  Right here is where a great deal of their trouble lies.  The Masters say they can assist every one that really desires help but they cannot actually do the work for anyone ... to be actually one with and of the abundance, each individual must accept and prove it for himself by actually knowing and doing the works."

Chapter 15

"It was claimed...that not one of the family had experienced death.  They had all taken their bodies with them and could return any time. ... We had been seated but a few moments when a man whom we judged to be about thirty-five appeared suddenly in the room...all shook hands with him...His whole being emanated a light that was beyond our power of comprehension."

"These records were made and kept by me; and those referring to that great soul, John the Baptist, ... are actual occurrences of the time he was with us here.  These records show that he was a man of wide knowledge and wonderful intellect.  He perceived that our teaching was true but he apparently never came to the actual realization for, had he done so he would never have seen death."

"It was here that father passed on and took his body with him and John beheld his passing."

"This passing means the perfecting of the body spiritually until one becomes so conscious of the deep spiritual meaning of Life or God that one sees life as God sees it; then one is privileged to receive the highest teaching and from this realm one is able to help all. (We never descend from this realm for those who have reached this placenever wish to descend).  They know that life is all progress, a going forward; there is no turning back and none wish to do so."

[Perfecting: "to bring to full developmentfinish or complete so as to leave nothing wanting,"; "ideal"; from Latin perfectus "completed, excellent, accomplished, exquisite," past participle of perficere"accomplish, finishcomplete," from per "completely" (see per) + combining form of facere "to make, to do" (from PIE root *dhe- "to set, put").  Thus, perfecting seems to refer to putting the "finishing touches" that bring the "building" to full development or the ideal held.]

[Conscious: from Latin conscius "knowingaware," from conscire "be (mutually) aware," from assimilated form of com "with," or "thoroughly" (see con-) + scire "to know" (see science).  Thus, perfecting of the body seems to indicate putting the "finishing touches" to life until one comes to a thorough knowing and awareness of the meaning of life...]

[Highest:  As a noun, "Supreme Being, God." Thus, it would seem, that the highest teaching is referring to "teaching directly from the supreme being."] 

[Life:  spiritual existence; "continuance, perseverance," from PIE root *leip- "to stick, adhere."  Literally "to continue, remain."  "vitality, energy in action, expression, etc."  Thus, this meaning of life seems to refer to coming to know and become aware of the vital energy that remains and continues.]

[Realm:  "kingdom, domain under a sovereign, royal jurisdiction,"; "formed as an accusative on Latin regimen "rule, guidance, government, means of guidance, rudder," from regere "to rule, to direct, keep straight, guide" (from PIE root *reg- "move in a straight line," with derivatives meaning "to direct in a straight line," thus "to lead, rule"]

[Place:  "space, dimensional extent,"  from ancient word root "to spread."  To "put or set (a number of things) in position or order, arrange"]

Paraphrased:  "This passing means the full development and finishing touches of the body spiritually until one becomes so thoroughly knowing and aware of the deep spiritual meaning of the vital energy that remains and continues, or God, that one sees life as God sees it; then one is privileged to receive teaching directly from the supreme being, and from this domain of rule, guidance, government, that directs in a straight line one is able to help all. (We never descend from this domain of rule, guidance, government, that directs in a straight line for those who have reached this space, dimensional extent, and arrangement never wish to descend).  They know that life is all progress, a going forward; there is no turning back and none wish to do so."

"All are reaching out to help those that are striving for more light and the messages that we are continually sending out into the Universal are being interpreted by God's children who are receptive, ...This is the prime object of reaching this realm or state of consciousness, for we are able to help all in some way.  We can and do talk with and instruct those who are receptive and who raise their consciousness, either through their own efforts or the assistance of another."

"You must decide to do the work for yourself, then do it  Then you are free and self-reliant.  When all come into the consciousness, as Jesus did, that the body is a spiritual body and indestructible, and hold themselves in this consciousness, then we shall be able to communicate with all and give out the teaching we have received to a greater number."

"We said we thought we could see something far finer in him.  ... If you would only look for the God quality and not make any comparison, you would see every human being as you see me;  or by looking for the Christ in every face you would bring forth that Christ, or God quality, in all.  We make no comparisons; we see only the Christ or God quality in all."

"Until you are in contact with someone who is able to instruct you, until you can raise your consciousness where you can see and converse with us as you are now doing our teaching seems only inspirational in nature. ... It is inspiration only when it comes direct from God and you let God express through you; then you are with us. ... This is not for one, or a few, this is for all ... we are not different from you.  It is a difference in understanding, that is all."

Man usually blunders.  "he gets away from God and, instead of letting God express through him the perfection God sees for him, he goes on and expresses in his own way and brings forth imperfectly the thing which should be perfectly wrought or manifest.  If he should but realize that every idea is a direct perfect expression from God and, as soon as this idea comes to him, he would immediately make it his ideal to be expressed from God, then take his mortal hands off and let God express through him the perfect way, this ideal would come forth perfect."

"The one great thing man must learn is to get forever through and out of the psychic or mind forces and express directly from God, for all psychic forces are created wholly by man and they are likely to mislead."

Chapter 16

"We are only men the same as you. ...We cannot and do not wish to force our way upon anyone;  all are free to live and go the way as they wish to go.  We try only to show the easy and simple way, the way we have tried and found very satisfactory."

[Whatever] "was needed, it was right at hand, created from the Universal."

"We had noted during all our journeys with these people that non of their clothing became soiled....This may seem remarkable to you but it seems far more remarkable to us that one speck of God's created substance adheres to another of God's creations where it is not wanted and where it does not belong.  With the right concept this could not happen, for no part of God's substance can be misplaced or placed where it is not wanted."

"They took no credit upon themselves, saying it was God expressing through them."

Chapter 17

Regarding "all are free to choose" they discuss how people begin the work, then fall away:  "He had become a very active worker for about two years, then gradually had lost interest...suddenly he dropped back into his old ways from which he would not make the necessary effort to arouse himself from his lethargy. ...anything that requires an effort becomes a burden to them very quickly.  They soon lose interest and their prayer for help becomes a mechanical sound instead of something uttered with deep meaning or desire."

Chapter 18

"While I do not in any way wish to disparage or make light of your history or of those who wrote it, I will say that at the beginning of this history the historians did not go back far enough, but took for granted that Egypt meant what the name implied, outer darkness or the wilderness.  It really meant a wilderness of thought.  At that time as now, a large portion of the world was in wilderness of thought and they did not go back of it to get the deeper meaning."

[Egypt:  from Amarna Hikuptah, corresponding to Egyptian Ha(t)-ka-ptah "temple of the soul of Ptah," the creative god associated with Memphis, the ancient city of Egypt. Strictly one of the names of Memphis, it was taken by the Greeks as the name of the whole country. The Egyptian name, Kemet, means "black country," possibly in reference to the rich delta soil. The Arabic is Misr, which is derived from Mizraim, the name of a son of Biblical Ham, (the second son of Noah and the father of CushMizraimPhut and Canaan.)  Mizraim is the Hebrew and Aramaic name for the land of Egypt.  Mizraim is the dual form of matzor, meaning a "mound" or "fortress," the name of a people descended from Ham.  Mizraim son of Ham was the younger brother of Cush and elder brother of Phut and Canaan, whose families together made up the Hamite branch of Noah's descendants.  In the Book of Exodus, it is considered the house of bondage. Regarding the passoverMoses says to the sons of Israel, "Remember this day, in which ye came out from Mizraim, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the LORD brought you out from this place.]

"Every child born is good and perfect.  There are no bad children.  It does not matter whether they are conceived in the perfect or immaculate or through the sense or material way.  The one conceived in the perfect way will soon recognize his Sonship with the Father, that he is the Christ or Son of God; then he will develop and unfold quickly and he will see only perfection.  The one conceived through the sense way may also immediately recognize his Sonship, perceive that the Christ is in him, and may realize  his perfection from within himself, that perfection which was always there.  The one held to the ideal and was perfect; the other perceived the ideal and unfolded that ideal, and regained perfection.  Thus no child is bad; all are good and from God."

Chapter 19

"The selection this morning was from the records of the temple.  ... we were surprised to find that the translation closely corresponded to the first chapter of St. John in our Bible, and the second reading corresponded to the first chapter of Luke."

JOHN 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created. In him was life,[a] and that life was the light of men. That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome[b] it.

There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify about the light, so that all might believe through him.[c] He was not the light, but he came to testify about the light. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.[d]
10 He was in the world, and the world was created through him, and yet the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. 12 But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be[e] children of God, to those who believe in his name, 13 who were born, not of natural descent,[f] or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man,[g] but of God.

14 The Word became flesh and dwelt[h] among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son[i] from the Father, full of grace and truth. 15 (John testified concerning him and exclaimed, “This was the one of whom I said, ‘The one coming after me ranks ahead of me,because he existed before me.’”) 16 Indeed, we have all received graceupon[j] grace from his fullness, 17 for the law was given through Moses;grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son, who is himself God and is at the Father’sside[k]—he has revealed him.

John the Baptist’s Testimony

19 This was John’s testimony when the Jews from Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him, “Who are you?”
20 He didn’t deny it but confessed, “I am not the Messiah.”
21 “What then?” they asked him. “Are you Elijah?” 
“I am not,” he said.
“Are you the Prophet?” 
“No,” he answered.
22 “Who are you, then?” they asked. “We need to give an answer to those who sent us. What can you tell us about yourself?”
23 He said, “I am a voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord[l]—just as Isaiah the prophet said.”
24 Now they had been sent from the Pharisees. 25 So they asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you aren’t the Messiah, or Elijah, or the Prophet?”
26 “I baptize with[m] water,” John answered them. “Someone stands among you, but you don’t know him. 27 He is the one coming after me,[n] whose sandal strap I’m not worthy to untie.” 28 All this happened in Bethany[o] across the Jordan, where John was baptizing.

The Lamb of God

29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is the one I told you about: ‘After me comes a man who ranks ahead of me, because he existed before me.’ 31 I didn’t know him, but I came baptizing with water so that he might be revealed to Israel.” 32 And John testified, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and he rested on him. 33 I didn’t know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The one you see the Spirit descending and resting on—he is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”[p]
35 The next day, John was standing with two of his disciples. 36 When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”

37 The two disciples heard him say this and followed Jesus. 38 When Jesus turned and noticed them following him, he asked them, “What are you looking for?”
They said to him, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?

39 “Come and you’ll see,” he replied. So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about four in the afternoon.[q]
40 Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard John and followed him. 41 He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah”[r] (which is translated “the Christ”),42 and he brought Simon to Jesus.

When Jesus saw him, he said, “You are Simon, son of John.[s] You will be called Cephas” (which is translated “Peter”[t]).

Philip and Nathanael

43 The next day Jesus[u] decided to leave for Galilee. He found Philipand told him, “Follow me.”
44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the hometown of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the law (and so did the prophets): Jesus the son of Joseph, from Nazareth.”
46 “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Nathanael asked him.
“Come and see,” Philip answered.
47 Then Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said about him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.”
48 “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked.
“Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you,”Jesus answered.
49 “Rabbi,” Nathanael replied, “You are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel!” 
50 Jesus responded to him, “Do you believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.” 51 Then he said, “Truly I tell you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

LUKE1: 1 Many have undertaken to compile a narrative about the events that have been fulfilled[a] among us, just as the original eyewitnesses and servants of the word handed them down to us. So it also seemed good to me, since I have carefully investigated everything from the very first, to write to you in an orderly sequence, most honorableTheophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things about which you have been instructed.[b]

Gabriel Predicts John’s Birth

In the days of King Herod of Judea, there was a priest of Abijah’s division named Zechariah. His wife was from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. Both were righteous in God’s sight,living without blame according to all the commands and requirements of the Lord. But they had no children because Elizabeth could not conceive, and both of them were well along in years.

When his division was on duty and he was serving as priest before God, it happened that he was chosen by lot, according to the custom of the priesthood, to enter the sanctuary of the Lord and burn incense.10 At the hour of incense the whole assembly of the people was praying outside. 11 An angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense. 12 When Zechariah saw him, he was terrified and overcome with fear. 13 But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John. 14 There will be joy and delight for you, and many will rejoice at his birth. 15 For he will be great in the sight of the Lord and will never drink wine or beer.He will be filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb.16 He will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God.17 And he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the disobedient to the understanding of the righteous, to make ready for the Lord a prepared people.”

18 “How can I know this?” Zechariah asked the angel. “For I am an old man, and my wife is well along in years.”
19 The angel answered him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and tell you this good news. 20 Now listen. You will become silent and unable to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time.”
21 Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zechariah, amazed that he stayed so long in the sanctuary. 22 When he did come out, he could not speak to them. Then they realized that he had seen a vision in the sanctuary. He was making signs to them and remained speechless. 23 When the days of his ministry were completed, he went back home.
24 After these days his wife Elizabeth conceived and kept herself in seclusion for five months. She said, 25 “The Lord has done this for me. He has looked with favor in these days to take away my disgrace among the people.”

Gabriel Predicts Jesus’s Birth

26 In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 27 to a virgin engaged[c] to a man named Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And the angel came to her and said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you.”[d] 29 But she was deeply troubled by this statement, wondering what kind of greeting this could be. 30 Then the angel told her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 Now listen: You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High,and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. 33 He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will have no end.” 

34 Mary asked the angel, “How can this be, since I have not had sexual relations with a man?” [e]
35 The angel replied to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 And consider your relative Elizabeth—even she has conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called childless. 37 For nothing will be impossible with God.”

38 “See, I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary. “May it happen to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.

Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth

39 In those days Mary set out and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judah 40 where she entered Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped inside her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 Then she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and your child will be blessed![f] 43 How could this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For you see, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped for joy inside me. 45 Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill what he has spoken to her!”

Mary’s Praise

46 And Mary said:
My soul magnifies the Lord,47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, because he has looked with favor on the humble condition of his servant.  Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed, 49 because the Mighty One has done great things for me, and his name is holy.

50 His mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear him. 51 He has done a mighty deed with his arm; he has scattered the proud because of the thoughts of their hearts; 52 he has toppled the mighty from their thrones and exalted the lowly.

53 He has satisfied the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty. 54 He has helped his servant Israel, remembering his mercy 55 to Abraham and his descendants[g] forever, just as he spoke to our ancestors.

56 And Mary stayed with her about three months; then she returned to her home.

The Birth and Naming of John

57 Now the time had come for Elizabeth to give birth, and she had a son. 58 Then her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her his great mercy, and they rejoiced with her.

59 When they came to circumcise the child on the eighth day, they were going to name him Zechariah, after his father. 60 But his mother responded, “No. He will be called John.”

61 Then they said to her, “None of your relatives has that name.” 62 So they motioned to his father to find out what he wanted him to be called. 63 He asked for a writing tablet and wrote, “His name is John.” And they were all amazed. 64 Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God. 65 Fear came on all those who lived around them, and all these things were being talked about throughout the hill country of Judea. 66 All who heard about him took it to heart, saying, “What then will this child become?” For, indeed, the Lord’s hand was with him.

Zechariah’s Prophecy

67 Then his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied:
68 Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and provided redemption for his people.
69 He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David, 70 just as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets in ancient times; 71 salvation from our enemies and from the hand of those who hate us.

72 He has dealt mercifully with our ancestors and remembered his holy covenant—73 the oath that he swore to our father Abraham, to grant that we, 74 having been rescued from the hand of our enemies,
would serve him without fear 75 in holiness and righteousness in his presence all our days.

76 And you, child, will be called a prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, 77 to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins.
78 Because of our God’s merciful compassion, the dawn from on high will visit us 79 to shine on those who live in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

80 The child grew up and became strong in spirit,[h] and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Israel.

  "The foremost thought of it all was the search for the Christ in man and to show those who had wandered away fro the ideal that the Christ lived in them as He always had.  ... it is the underlying spiritual significance which we wish to perpetuate."

"...the spiritual meaning will be understood by reading these chapters mentioned above."

Chapter 20

Regarding the appearances of those from the celestial realm: appear with "a gentle swish like that of a bird alighting...a slight mist ... took form...with an intense radiant light about her that we could scarcely look upon."

"The room was filled with a soft light that none of us could explain."

Chapter 21

Similar recounting of appearances.  "...they appeared like a troop of angels."

"All bowed their heads and waited.  In a moment there came music from unseen voices.  I had heard of heavenly voices but I had never experienced them until that night.  We were fairly lifted from our seats."

"As the tones rolled on, it seemed as though we could see thousands of mystical forms moving about and singing as with one voice and through it all there was not one sad refrain, not one minor key.  All was a joyous, free burst of music that came from the soul and touched the soul, lifting it up and up until we felt as if we were losing all contact with the earth."

"Know ye not that Christ dwells within you and in all?  Know ye not that your body is pure, perfect, young, ever beautiful, divine?  Know ye not that God created you an exact image and likeness of Himself and gave you dominion over all things?  You, of yourself, are always Christ the perfect Son of God, the only begotten Son of God, in whom the Father-Mother is well pleased. ... one with God ... each and every child has a right to claim this Sonship, this Divinity."

At the feast "the edibles began to arrive... in large covered containers... [which] just appeared on the table before the lady."

"Our Chief asked the lady what she considered the greatest attribute of God.  Without a moment's hesitation she answered, Love.  Then she went on to say, 'The tree of Life is located in the midst of the paradise of God, the very depth of our own soul, and the rich, abundant fruit that grows and ripens to the fullest perfection, the most perfect and life-giving is Love. ... the greatest thing in the world.  I might add that it is the greatest healing force in the world.  Love never fails to meet every demand of the human heart.  The Divine Principle of Love may be used to eliminate every sorrow, every infirmity, every harsh condition and every lack that harasses humanity.  With the right understanding and use of the subtle and illimitable influence of love, the world may be healed of its wounds and the sweet mantle of its heavenly compassion may cover all inharmony, all ignorance, and all mistakes of mankind."

"Love is God, eternal, limitless, changeless, going beyond all vision into infinitude."

[The word Jerusalem means a community living under the law of I AM (being) whose character is love, desire or passion, and whose place is that of the ruler of creation, completion, wholeness and of the setting sun, and whose leader is righteousness. This is rationalized: the word jeru salem means the place of Shalem, a western semetic god of creation, completion, wholeness and of the setting sun.  Its most notable ruler was Melchizedek, the King of "righteousness".  Also The tetragrammaton YHWH is a Midian word deriving from Arabic term for "love, desire, or passion".  I AM (being) whose name (character) is "love, desire, or passion", whose "place" is the place of the god of creation, completion, wholeness and of the setting sun, and whose ruler is "after the order (line) of the King of righteousness".  "Order" means the condition of a community which is under the rule of law. ]

"If it is not disturbed by man's perversity and discordant thinking, God's eternal, changeless current of love flows ever onward, carry before it into the great universal sea of forgetfulness, every appearance of inharmony or ugliness which disturbs the peace of man.  Love is the perfect fruit of the Spirit; it goes forth, binding up the wounds of humanity, drawing nations into closer harmony, and bringing peace and prosperity to the world.  It is the very pulse of the world, the heartbeat of the universe.  Humanity must be charged with this current of love from the great Omnipresent Life if it would do the works of Jesus."

"Approach this throne of grace boldly, not as you have though of beseeching and groveling attitude, but with the prayer of understanding faith, knowing that the help you stand in need of is already yours. ... Do more – ask.  Claim your birthright ... Know that in the Invisible, Universal Substance, in which we all live and move and have our being is every good and perfect thing that man can desire, waiting to be drawn forth by faith into visible form or manifestation.  Read your own great Book of what Paul says of love in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13."

[As a Knight Caritas I discovered that "The King James Version uses both the words charity and love to translate the idea of caritas / ἀγάπη (agapē): sometimes it uses one, then sometimes the other, for the same concept. Most other English translations, both before and since, do not; instead, throughout they use the same more direct English word loveLove can have other meanings in English, but as used in the New Testament it almost always refers to the virtue of caritas.  Many times when charity is mentioned in English-language bibles, it refers to "love of God", which is a spiritual love that is extended from God to man and then reflected by man, who is made in the image of God, back to God. God gives man the power to act as God acts (God is love), man then reflects God's power in his own human actions towards others.  "The practice of charity brings us to act toward ourselves and others out of love alone, precisely because each person has the dignity of a beloved child of God."]

"Consider Solomon, when in the night of his experience he allowed his radiant love nature to expand to that universal plane of consciousness where he asked to be of service and not for self.  This brought to him wealth untold and added to this was life and honor beyond his power to ask.  He recognized the wisdom of Love and Love released its boundless wealth upon him. ... To love is to release God's unlimited storehouse of golden treasure.  If we love we cannot help giving and to give is to gain, and the law of love is fulfilled.  Then, by giving, we set in operation the unfailing law of measure for measure.  With no thought of receiving, it is impossible to avoid receiving, for the abundance you have given is returned to you in fulfillment of the law, Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, shall men give unto your bosom."

"If we work in the spirit of love, we must have God present in consciousness.  To be one with Life, Love, and Wisdom, is to consciously contact."

"How well we realize that in the great heart of humanity there is a deep homesickness which never can be satisfied with anything less than a clear consciousness or understanding of God, our Father. ... There is nothing the human soul so longs for as to know God."

"Jesus never allowed Himself to dwell in the external after His illumination.  He always kept His thoughts at the central part of His being, which is the Christ.  In Jesus, the Christ or Central Spark which is God in us all, living in everyone today, was drawn forth to show itself perfectly ruling the material body or flesh man.  It is in this way that He did all His mighty works, not because He was in some way different from you.  He had no greater power than all have today.  He was not in some way a Son of God and we only servants of God.  He did these works because this same Divine Spark, which the Father has implanted in every child born, was fanned into a brighter flame by His own efforts in holding Himself in conscious communion with God Himself, the source of all Life, Love, and Power. "

"When you are tired of the husks of life, when you are weary and homesick, with faltering steps you may retrace your way home to the Father's house.  This may be done over the road of bitter experience or by a joyful letting go of all material things. ... you will eventually press on toward the mark of your hight calling.  With each step you will grow stronger and bolder until you will no longer falter nor hesitate.  You will look within you for your illumination; then in your awakened consciousness you will realize that home is here. ... in which we all live, move, and have our being."

"What you must do is to raise your consciousness so that you can see and know that you walk beside them; then you will not falter.  They are holding out their hands and saying, come unto me and I will give you rest.  This does not mean come after death; this means come now just as you are.  Raise your consciousness to our consciousness and behold, you stand where we are tonight, above all mortal limitations, abundantly free."

"God is in the midst of you, child of infinite, immortal Spirit. ...the breath of Almighty God created you a living soul. ...The same power is in you that is in Jesus.  This is called the mantle of the Spirit. ... you can draw this mantle so closely around you that nothing can penetrate it. ... If by any chance the outer form should be destroyed, it would immediately return as spiritual in the same form."

"He knew that He had the power to overcome death and he wished to show those that He love that they had the same power.... Jesus could have taken his body and disappeared but He chose to show that, when the spiritual body is developed, no material accident or condition can destroy it ... After the Crucifixion and Ascension His body was so highly developed spiritually that Jesus was obliged to raise the consciousness of those about Him to a plan where they were able to see Him...When the women came to the tomb that morning and found the stone rolled away and the grave clothes lying by, even they did not know Him until He had raised their consciousness to the plane where they could behold Him. ... He even walked and talked with them, yet they did not recognize Him because their consciousness was not functioning on the plane where they could see Him. ... The consciousness was attained that death had been overcome;  and that not only death, but all man-made mortal limitations could and would be overcome, by coming up over them or raising our consciousness to the plane on which they can no longer be seen and, therefore, do not exist."

"We can so definitely put forth our ideal into the formless that it is formed direct from the unformed, that which appears invisible to mortal consciousness."

"Only a few of the earnest ones perceive and they go on, unfold, and to the real work of God.  Others make a good beginning but it soon requires too much exertion to surmount the first wall of materiality.  They find it much easier to drift with the tide and they drop out.  We have all lived in the visible, mortal plane on this earth.  In fact, we have never left the earth.  We are now invisible only to those that are in mortal consciousness we are always visible.   Every seed idea placed in the soul becomes a conception and is given thought-form in mind, later to be experienced in physical form.  Ideas of perfection produce perfection.  The reverse is equally true.  Just as the sun and the earth produce with equal willingness the mighty tree or the frailest flower, when their respective seeds are planted, so Spirit and Soul respond to man and that which he desires or that for which he has asked, believing, he receives."

"The mortal mind functions on the psychic plane.  This is the cause of the great psychic realm which lies between the material, or visible, and the true spiritual, and through which all aspiring to the true spiritual must force their way before the spiritual is perceived.  In order to perceive the spiritual, we must forge through the psychic directly to God.  Death releases the soul only to the psychic plane and it manifests on the same spiritual plane it was in when the soul was released from the body.  The one so passing has not perceived that there is but one Spirit, one Mind, one Body and that all came forth from this One and must return to it."

"The real world is Substance, the Relative of Substance.  Let us consider for a moment the five kingdoms:  the mineral, the vegetable, the animal, the man, and the God kingdoms.  ...We find every particle of the mineral kingdom expressing the one life, the life of God.  The disintegration or division of the particles of the mineral, combined with elements of the particles of the mineral, combined with elements of air and water, has formed soil.  every particle still retains the original life, the life of God."

"This gives place to the vegetable kingdom, the next higher expression of God to come forth.  Then the vegetable, every part of which contains this one life, has taken up a part of this life from the mineral, has increased and multiplied it, and is expressing it one step higher toward the God kingdom.  This gives place to the animal, the next higher expression of God."

"Then the animal, every part of which contains the one life, has taken up a part of this life from the vegetable, has increased and multiplied it, and is expressing one step higher toward the God kingdom.  This gives place to the man kingdom, the next higher expression of God."

"Then the man kingdom, every part of which contains the one life, has taken up a part of this one life from the animal kingdom, and in expressing one step higher, gives place to the God kingdom, the highest expression through man.  

"When man has attained this kingdom, he recognizes that all have come forth from the one Source, that all contain the one life, the life of God, and he has gained the mastery over all material things.  But we need not pause here, for all is progression.  When he arrives here he will find there are new worlds still to conquer. ... All space or magnitude contains the one life, the life of God that all is from the one Source and Substance.  Then all substance becomes relative or related, does it not?"

"we were told that if we would become quiet, we could hear the music at all times, but it is only on an occasion like this that the chorus accompanies the music. ... We were told that this music is what has been called the angel choir.  They call it 'the symphony of souls in accord.'"

Chapter 22

"You were shown just what we  are shown, that man comes froth in unity just as long as he has consciously realized this and used the power and dominion rightly; but the moment he, in his mortal self, conceived dual powers, he began to see dual, he misused this power, and brought forth duality, for man is a free will agent and brings forth that which he gazes upon.  Then diversity and wide separation resulted and this has followed him all over the earth.  But a change is coming.  Diversity has about reached its limit and mankind is recognizing that all came forth from the one Source."

"When all must return to that Source or become as brothers in reality.  Then he will be in heaven and will recognize that heaven means the inner peace and harmony created by man right here on earth.  He will then see that he makes his heaven or hell just as he chooses."

"The diversity thought to exist today must be wholly in man's mortal mind.  See what this diversity has led to, the great wars, the intense hate engendered between nations and families and even individuals, and all because one church organization or another has thought that its creed or doctrine was better than that of another."

"We find the greater majority drifting through life, dissatisfied, dazed, crushed, or uncertain."

"The whole purpose of life reveals itself in the privilege and opportunity of expressing the God self within.  That man is and shall be the divine image and likeness of Himself is God's purpose for man.  To express that which God has conceived for him should be man's great purpose in life."

"that man can unfold in the fullness of power only when he has a true ideal..."

"A seed can begin to grow only when it is firmly fixed in the ground.  The God power within can bring forth a true desire only when it is firmly fixed in the soul of man."

"If you are satisfied, you are at a standstill.  In order to contract life fully, we must seek each moment to express life fully."

"To look outside the God self for the fulfillment of his desire is folly.  To unfold the self must do the unfolding."

"Then think 'seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (right-use-ness) and all these things shall be added unto you.' The reason they are added is that they are made out of the very essence of Spirit.  The consciousness must first find the Spirit before it can form the desired thing."

"The awakened one perceives the creative principle within....he recalls his heart's desire; this becomes an ideal, or mold, that draws forth power and substance to fill the mold. ...it is the Promised Land ...Although it may not yet be consciously possessed, it must come forth into visible form as he fulfills the law.  A wilderness of experiences may have to be met and overcome.  This but makes the soul worthy of atonement (at-one-ment)."

"This vision is typical and as necessary as the plans and specifications of a building.  One must be as true to the vision as the builder is true to the plans and specifications the architect has furnished.  All but the truth must be eliminated."

"He must forget the things he does not wish to remember and remember only the things he wishes to retain."

"The will must possess the same quality as the ideal to serve.  If the will does not possess the desire to serve, the power the will wishes to direct cannot be released from the soul.  The will to be served turns the life current against self.  The will to serve keeps the life current flowing through self and keeps the self in radiation. To serve gives purpose to vision; it releases love in life.  How can love be expressed unless it flows through the one expressing life?"

"The I AM is expressed through the me and the me is no longer allowed to suppress the I AM.  If the body is to obedient to Spirit, how can it express the Spirit?  The conscious mind must seek and want the Spirit in order to learn the power of the Spirit.  In this way the individual learns to know that Spirit is the fulfillment of the need.  In no way can it be given higher expression than when it is allowed to fill the need of others.  It is the flowing forth to others that opens the storehouse of Spirit.  It is the I will to serve  that opens the unlimited storehouse of God to all and brings its realization to the soul.  The soul has returned to the Father's house as soon as it has willed to serve."

Chapter 23

Chapter 24