Winter Holiday Assignment: "Making a List & Checking it Twice...."

 OH!  You better watch out.  You better not cry. You better not pout. I’m telling you why...Santa Claus is coming to town! ...

He’s making a list, Checking it twice, Gonna find out who’s naughty or nice.  Santa Claus is coming to town!

I have a Winter Holiday assignment for you. I call upon you to make, for yourself, two lists. And what better way to introduce a talk about list making than by recalling that Santa Claus makes lists and checks them twice. So can we. In preparation for Winter Solstice observances I want to call upon you to create your own lists. Not "gift giving" lists like Santa, but I would like you to make a Gratitude List and a Looking Forward List.  

We always seem to remember the "bad" things that happen this year, but we tend to overlook the massive amount of good things that happen to us each year.  This Gratitude List may be as elaborate and detailed as you desire to make it. Or it may be as simple and short as a simple "memory jogger." Either way take a bit of time and make a conscious effort to recall the myriad of good things that happened this past year and make your own list.  It does NOT have to be all inclusive so don't worry about recalling EVERYTHING.  Just let the memories float up and jot them down.  That's all that's needed. You may always add to your list at a future time if you desire.  

On your Gratitude List  Place the things that you, You, and YOU (physical self, soul self, and spirit self) are grateful for.  Don't worry about them being "correct".  Don't worry about making them public.  But DO make a list for yourself for your own review to help you remember in the coming weeks the good things of the past year.  Relive the GOOD things periodically as you prepare to look forward to 2024.

I will ask you to privately prepare your "Top Three" things that you are grateful for in 2023.  It may be that we ask you to share one of your top three things at our Winter Solstice observances, so make sure one of your "Top Three" is something that you feel like sharing with others. If you don't want to share something, just leave it off your "Top Three" list.

Here are some pointers that I like for creating your own Gratitude List.  Create this list over time, not just in one sitting.  You might start NOW and have a goal of completing your list by around December 20, AND periodically add to it as you recall things for which you are grateful.  Add to your Gratitude List every time something comes to mind, or periodically sit down and try to come up with 3-5 things that you ARE truly grateful for...large or small things.  

By working at it lightly over a few days or weeks it will be less of a chore, and more of a labor of Love.  After all, it is a labor of Love. You are grateful for the Love that the ONE allowed you to experience in 2023.

That takes care of one list.  Now the "checking it twice" part comes into play by creating a
Looking Forward List.  

This list is a list of things you would have JOY in seeing come to pass.  These may be things you plan for, things you hope for, or things that you would just wish for. If you want to wish for "world peace" put it on your list.  This list too is just for you, You and YOU.  Like the Gratitude List, your Looking Forward List  may be a elaborate and detailed as you desire to make it, or as simple and short as a "wish list".  

These are things that you, You and YOU want.  You may want them for yourself, or others, or globally, or even cosmically.  This list is for yourself for your own review to help you remember in the coming weeks the good things you hope for the incoming year.  

I will ask you again to privately prepare your "Top Three" things that you are looking forward to in 2024. Like before, if you don't want to share something, just leave it off your "Top Three" list.  As with the Gratitude List  create your Looking Forward List over time, and add to your Looking Forward List every time something comes to mind.  As with the Gratitude List, your Looking Forward List is a labor of love.  You are letting the ONE, the Cosmos, and others, what it is that you desire to see transpire.  It is your opportunity to lovingly co-create the kind of world, galaxy, and cosmos that you desire to see come about.

So there you have your "holiday assignment" for our Winter Solstice event for December 21.  We hope that, whether or not "Santa Clause is coming to town," preparing these lists, "checking them twice", and perhaps being prepared to share one, or more, of them will help to put you in the frame of mind to truly celebrate the returning of the light that we celebrate at the Winter solstice.

Please make your two lists, check them twice (if you want to), and be prepared to celebrate the returning of the light at the Winter Solstice.