Peace, Love, Joy … AND Action.

Whatever we love, we want to sustain.  All love begins with the hope that “this will never end”, and we never want the joy found in what is loved to come to an end. We want it to “go on forever.” 

Many people live with a “walk-about” approach. They wander, attach to something for a while, then detach and move on to something else. Such activity makes it more difficult for a relationship, or an organization, to grow and mature.

Organisms and organizations move toward decline every day.  To decline is to “bend from” an original path. The second law of thermodynamics loosely holds that all matter moves toward disorganization. Or stated in common language, “It is easier for matter to “fall apart” than it is to “hold it together.”  

Science has a name for this deviation from an original path.  It is called entropy– “a process of degradation, or running down, or a tend to disorder.” Entropy is what organizations and organisms must work to prevent.  

Vibrant, healthy organizations and organisms can achieve negative entropy. Loving actions are intentional. Love abounds and growth continues only when the organization is intentional.  Negative entropy is only achieved by diligent attention.

When desires float away from the ONE, deviation from the ONE’s standards is sure to accelerate.  Spirit-led people will be deliberate in pursuit of things spiritual.  They will surround themselves with people who are moving toward the cosmic purposes of the ONE and dare not be distracted by earthly pursuits.  

The habits of a spiritual person are predictable and consistent. The spiritually motivated organization will not be moved. Their primary metrics will be peace and joy.  They will ask “is this the right thing to do?  Does this decision foster peace?  Will we walk in joy as we go?” 

Above all they remember that THE ONE will NOT experience entropy and they keep their focus there.