RANDOM WISDOM: The Story of Light

Excerpted from the book at this link: Liber Lucis

Throughout human history, peoples of different origins have perceived a connection with something ineffable, omnific, great, that is the source of the primordial light of the cosmos, giving impetus to the emergence of planetary life and compelling all life towards its highest expression and refinement: love.

Many have been the names associated with it. It shines in human minds and takes up residence in their hearts. Divine intelligence expresses itself through its eternal laws, which can be collectively named as ‘the Cosmic’, through which all incarnate souls can appreciate life on the visible plane. 

Shining through these laws is the Universal Soul that pervades all. As a part of God’s [divine] will and wisdom, it organizes matter to substantiate bodies that can be infused with the breath of life. Thus, the indeterminate Cosmic substance is articulated into particles, which are structured into atoms and molecules, which then form the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms through which consciousness can arise and articulate itself.

Light is Oneness, filtered by the individual consciousness into concepts and perceptions. The Universal Soul shines into the minds of all and ignites in the hearts of those who feel deeply inspired … to guide humanity from the apparent darkness arising from divine remoteness to the sweet, enveloping Light of God’s love.

…For each and every mind there is an individualised concept of divinity, and the degree of knowing the Supreme Being is therefore not the same for all. The treasured, sacred fire – depicted in mystery schools and religious sects – has been passed down through the web of time, moving the hearts of countless beings who have rendered humble service to humanity through offering support of a material, cultural, and spiritual nature.

Entire libraries have been written in an attempt to express the inexpressible, the ineffable voice of the ‘Most High’. The eternal yearning for the Cosmic Source is reflected in the writings of that never-ending book to which each being contributes his or her own life experience: the Liber Lucis, or the Book of Light.