Three (Random) Steps Towards “Good Galactic Citizenship.”

There are many wise sayings that have been shared with the world.  There are many paths towards becoming a “Good Galactic Citizen”, Here are three worthy of your consideration.  

Surround yourself in life with people that are smarter than you, more successful than you.  Study them and learn from them so that, when an opportunity comes along, you are prepared to make the most of it.  

You can gain so much by watching and associating with people that you deem successful.  Learning by observing their life choices, priorities and choices can help you to learn to become more like them and reach their station.  

The important distinction to remember, however, is be careful regarding whom you choose to deem successful. One definition of success is the prosperous achievement of something desired or planned.  To this I would add …that does not harm others and will build up and strengthen others.  So try this, Success is the prosperous achievement of something desired or planned that does not harm others and will build up and strengthen others.  

This addition is necessary because in the current era get rich quick at any cost is popular, but it may result in harm to self and others and may not serve to strengthen those around us, e.g. I may be able to execute the most elaborate, dramatic, and movie-worthy bank robbery, but whom did it help?  Whom did it harm?

Truly successful people, those whom seek to build up others rather than harm them, are usually willing to share their insights when asked.  If you are nearby them and observant you will be able to glean valuable success insights; if you desire it.

You can learn something from everyone.  Literally, everyone!

It is common for those in the counseling, and teaching industries to ask questions. One coach/teacher put it this way “When I first visit a new client company I literally asked questions of everyone I met.  For example, I might ask the gate guard this is my first visit here, what do you folks do here?  Then I listen carefully.”  

Ask people to teach you what they know and, many times, they will be willing to assist you in telling what they know.  It will also demonstrate to them that you respect them, their work, and their expertise in life.

TRY and be kind to others and do something that is kind to someone every day.

Little things can be just as effective as grand gestures.  The one who gives up their seat to someone else who could better make use of it.  Giving a smile to a stranger.  Sending a note to someone for no reason other than to connect, can all uplift others.  

Of course more grand gestures, such as telling someone you respect how much you respect them and why, expressing your love and respect for them for who they are can be a kindness that will live with others for a long time.

These are but simple steps on a long road of being a good galactic citizen and sharing the light with others.