Existential nihilism is the philosophical theory that life has no objective meaning or purpose. This seems to result in the inherent meaninglessness of life. This school of philosophical thought is largely explored in existentialism.  

The problem with nihilism is that it is the human, thinking life worthless, while at the same time thinking that his philosophical thoughts have great value. Philosophical thoughts from a worthless individual are worthless thoughts.

Existential Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless. Living or dying has no particular importance, hence there is no value of one over the other. The importance, however, is not in the living or dying, but rather in the learning. 

Learning allows us to be creative when we learn from our mistakes. Mistakes throughout life are necessary for learning. Without learning there is no creativity. Without creativity, without meaning,  without purpose, without learning we are dead already. Through creativity we may draw closer to the creator.  

The paradox of nihilism is the individual trying to live a meaningful life while at the same time stating that life is without purpose, without meaning.

Also, Nihilism presumes that energy can be destroyed. This is a violation of some of the laws of physics, that we have observed:  1) Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but merely transformed into other forms, and 2) Energy In an isolated system must remain constant, that is it must be conserved.

These are laws of physics that we are aware of. Nihilism
 says energy can be destroyed (Life is zero, and returns to zero).  If life=0 and the outcome of life = 0 then life has no meaning or purpose.  This then means that learning is of no purpose. If learning is not purposeful, then we do not advance from our mistakes and creativity is stifled. If creativity is stifled, then the further progress of humanity is limited. By negating learning, nihilists negate creativity and ultimately advancement. 

Thus Nihilism seems to be against the law of physics, nature, and divinity. Stated more concretely in another way, nihilism seems to be the human’s way of taking the universe and dividing by zero. If all numbers are zero then there can be no math. If there is no math, there can be no movement or form. This is contrary to what we observe on a daily basis. 

Does this mean that our observations are absolutely correct. Of course not.  Every perspective is different. But some form of Form exists. Nihilism would erase that by removing divinity, purpose, advancement. It seems that the nihilist would reduce us to nothing.  Infinity minus infinity is zero, and infinity divided by zero is just an irrational number. 

Thus my conclusion is that nihilism is nothing, so, at least in one way, they are partially correct. But what does it matter?