Summer Solstice (Litha) Fun and Games

The GFLAA will be conducting a Summer Solstice observance at a restaurant meeting on June 20 and will hold a Summer Solstice party and gathering on Saturday, June 22.  This series of postings offers insights into the Summer Solstice.

It is not necessary that the person believes in the folklore behind Litha, the important thing is being grateful for the abundance in your life. Anyone able to be grateful and appreciate the sun and moon, growing plants, or their plentiful group of friends and family, is welcomed to celebrate Litha, or the Summer Solstice. 

Around this time, consider what is important to you, or what it is that you appreciate about this particular time of year. Is it the Wisteria growing on the trees? The scent of honeysuckle on the breeze? Long naps in a backyard hammock? What is it about this time of the year that brings you joy and makes you feel grateful?  Incorporate these things in your Litha Celebration.

It is a good idea to align yourself with the powerful energies of the sun and the bounty of summertime. Try new things, expand your ideas, and begin or continue projects that will bring you success. You should also use this time to give thanks for all that you have and show gratitude to Mother Earth for her bounty. Acknowledge your successes thus far in the Wheel of the Year; this "high noon" of the "annual day".

The most popular way to celebrate Litha is of course, a bonfire. You can gather your closest friends or family hold a bonfire party. Offer drinks, food, and music! It’s simple and fun for everyone!  Another common Summer Solstice practice is watching the sun both rise and set. Since this is the longest day of the year, and the peak of the Oak King's power, this is an excellent opportunity to pay your respects as he both arrives and departs. Get up early and greet the sunrise. Sip coffee and say hi to the sun. Breathe in the sunshine.

Other potential Litha, or Summer Solstice, activities may include:
  • Spend time outdoors.  What ever outdoor activity that you live take time to get outside and enjoy the sun.  Pay attention to how it makes you feel.  Let your joy be shared as the Sun allows you to enjoy your outdoor activities.
  • Make a wand (or a staff) for decoration.
    Why not?  Use twigs or small branches, preferably pieces that have already fallen to the ground. Once you have your base for your wand or staff, you can add acorn tops, leaves, crystals, herbs, twine, beads, glass, seeds, or whatever you want!  Make it pleasing to yourself.  Then, charge it in the sunlight for the remainder of the day. Use this wand or staff throughout the year to brighten you up when you need a little help from the Sun.  Remember the joy that making it brought to you, and the joy that you shared with the sun. 
  • Make a Doll.
    Humanity has long made dolls from common items from nature.  Perhaps you and your friends might even have a "doll making contest" as you go out into nature to find your supplies for making your doll.  Gather twigs or branches that fork and dress them with leaves and grass, and other foraged items. Allow it to sit somewhere in your home for the year. Be creative with this one. Use a mixture of manmade and natural items to create your doll if you’d like. Give it a try!
  • Pick up the trash.  Although this may not seem very “celebratory,” at Litha you are giving your gratitude to the Earth’s abundance. Picking up litter is a great way to pay your respects to both the Earth. It hurts no one and helps all. As you pick up trash, you might try chanting softly something like “I’ll be a light in the darkness until your return.” Being a good person is a lot like being a light. So, be the light!
  • Let there be light!  Light candles at dawn on Litha, and extinguish them at Dusk, thanking them for their light. Let these indoor candles call to mind the Sun outside.  Welcome the light in at dawn and bid it farewell as the sun sets for the evening.
  • Grow Something.  We are now in planting season and soon the harvest season is coming! This is the last real chance to sow summer seeds. This is a great time to sow summer seeds in small containers to keep on the porch or window sill so that they may be intentionally cared for until harvest. Select your favorite herbs, spices, or even just native plants and plant them for growing. This is good for the Earth, good for your family, and is a satisfying process.  Nurture something to harvest just as the Mother Nature is doing.
  • Make a "Solstice Wreath". 
    We make wreaths for the winter solstice, why not make one for the Summer Solstice?  There are still plenty of wildflowers about. Pick some of your favorites and create a wreath for your door, mailbox, or your head! This is also really cute garb for that bonfire later!
  • Take a Nature Walk Go for a walk mid-day when the sun is at its peak. Enjoy its warmth and take this time for personal reflection, or for your craft making gathering.
  • Build a Fairy House.
    Litha, Midsummer, is also a time when the fairy folk will come out to play. Honor the fairy folk by making fairy houses for your yard or garden.  Just search fairy homes and see all of the designs from the super simple to the super elaborate.  Fashion your house from bright-painted wood or purchase one from a crafts store. Hang or place your fairy house around your garden or among the trees, but be mindful of your location: Don’t place it too close to your home, as the fairy folk can be mischievous and you might not want to invite extra mischief into your home at Midsummer.
  • Donate from your abundance.  Litha is about growth and abundance. Be grateful for what you have, and be honest with yourself about what you don’t need. Someone else may be in need of things that no longer serve you. Share your abundance, and it will still remain yours. Seriously!
  • Go pick wildflowers.
    You may have done this already for your wreath making, but go outside and pick wildflowers, this time for a centerpiece or focal spot in your home. Be sure to take your time! Smell the flowers and give thanks to nature for its beauty.
  • Charge Your Rocks.
      The Sun is at peak power, use this chance to charge your crystals and other tools in the Sun (just make sure they are Sun safe!)  Allow your favorite rocks to "soak up" some of that Sun energy and make use of it during the "dark half of the year."
We hope that you will come and join the GFLAA in our Summer Solstice observance and come and relax in the country at our Summer Solstice Hang out.

May you have a joyous Litha.  May your harvest be plentiful.  May you share in the abundance of all.  May you  endure until Yule when the light again returns to reign.