What is Righteousness?

Let's start by looking at the history of the word.  The word is derived from ancient words right  and wise and it indicated characterized by justice, morally right.  And the word right illustrates similar concepts of "move in a straight line" and also "to rule, to lead straight, to put right." 

Righteous character is to be true to a moral standard no matter what. When one's "moral compass" leads in a chaotic manner, chaos, NOT order, results. For example do the majority of politicians in THIS era lead this country in a right wise manner?  Are they characterized by justice and moral correctness?  Or do they lead this way and that weaving a path that looks like a sidewinder in the desert?

Righteousness is a quality of the ONE who created the universe.  A standard of moral correctness for humanity has been provided.  It has been illustrated for  humanity.  The ONE shares Spirit with those who desire a relationship with the ONE to help guide us in living up to that standard.

Since humanity, left to its own devices, has no consistent moral standard that it applies to all, humanity often winds up with a number of “gurus” from an “ivory tower” who propounds HIS, HER, THEY’S, ZAY OR ZEMS “truth” as if it were factually and universally true and upright.  It seems that they usually do this without having experienced the reality of their propositions.  We hear “embrace abnormal, unreasonable and absurd behavior in order to gain more profit.  It will work!” Yet the reality tends to be that it all is just so much human guesswork.

Logically humanity's relationship with the ONE might be expressed as: 1) Humanity ignores the ONE; 2) Humanity lives under the consequences of ignoring and removing themselves from the ONE; 3) ALL HUMANS require guidance for overcoming the ignorance of the ONE.

It is safe to say that not all humanity routinely seeks a relationship with the ONE Creator.  Humans are similar to the "wild animals" in this aspect when they shy away from anything spiritually righteous. Just as a wild deer, raccoon, fox, etc. shies away from humans and other larger animals.  Much of humanity has a total desire to avoid and ignore the ONE.  

But the good news is that the ONE seeks out humanity for a relationship.  But while this good news is available to all, it is not effective for all.  In other words, knowing ABOUT God/Creator/Source/Energy is about as effective as looking at a book on the shelf in the library without ever having opened the book.  You CAN'T relate to, or practice what you DON'T KNOW.  You have to come to KNOW God/Creator/Source/Energy.

For those who believe AND practice what they are learning, we grow ever more close to the ONE and learn the ways of living righteously.  Frequently humanity will “join” an organization that purports to be drawing closer to Source, but then they behave and act as if they have know knowledge of Source.  This is like “buying” a book, putting it on a library shelf to look at, and never opening it to see what its contents seek to share.  

Seek to discover the moral standard which you may adhere to at all costs in your life.