Divine Aspects of MySelf

“The important thing
is not to stop questioning.
Never lose a holy curiosity.”
~ Albert Einstein ~

Dear Cosmos:

“Sometimes it feels like parts of me don’t know what to believe anymore and at times I feel depressed or frustrated.  Part of me wants to do this’ and part of me wants to do that’ and part of me just wants to go home… wherever that is.  What’s wrong with me???”

Namaste Fragmented you’-‘You’-‘YOU’:

There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with You-All’… never was and never can be or will be.  The deeper understanding is: 

you/You/YOU... ARE NOT ALONE!!!

OH BOY… I have personally awakened to the realization that the limited self I thought I was is way more Powerful, Expansive, and Creative than I ever imagined and these ‘parts’ are very real Spiritual Aspects of the total ‘ME’. 

When we’re born… we are informed and tend to believe that we are alone in this vehicle (body).  Much like operating a motor vehicle… we believe we have full control and responsibility for determining its course, speed, and maintenance.  

Then we discover, in glimpses or perhaps abruptly, that we have another Spiritual passenger or two riding with us.  Some humans discover their vehicle is like a pick-up truck or a minivan and there are many other passengers or Divine Aspects along for ‘Spiritual Reasons’.  Others discover their vehicle is like a bus with Divine Spiritual Beings getting on and off.  

This may account for any voices in your head.  These can be nudges (feelings you should do ‘this’ or ‘that’) and/or physical manipulations of your vehicle (body) that may become more pronounced because ‘They’ haven’t been heard.  

There’s a joke:

“I used to be schizophrenic... 
however we’re ALL OK NOW!”

I personally integrated my aspects years ago, and developed a step-by-step process to Become a Conscious Creator.  

Now we’re all one big happy family of: 


 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Take a few Deep Breaths and Totally R e l a x …

 What if… you could discover the total number

of ‘Parts or Aspects’ you have?


What if… you could know why 'They' joined
with you in the first place?


What if... you ask now... 

and assistance is available?

This was an article WE wrote for an E-Magazine years ago called "Dear Cosmos".  It was like a "Dear Abby" column however the questions and most of the answers were mainly "Out-of-this-World" in nature.

By: David/LE
Oneness Now Energy ~ Transformational Light Center
Discovering and Embracing Your Divine Purpose

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