Truth, Love and Authenticity

Spirit Science posted today the video below.  The concept that I wish to share and discuss is based on the concepts presented there.

They reported a visionary experience that included Thot writing on a tablet and then seeing that the tablet said:

Truth is the Law

Love is the Law

Authenticity is the Law

The video then goes on to discuss their observations regarding the meanings and effects of these three foundational principles.

The common word to all three statements is Law.  What is Law?

As with all symbols, which words are, there are myriads of meanings that may be applied and synonyms that mean similar things.  The ancient word roots for Law the mean "that which is fixed or set."  To my thinking this is like the old "scientific laws" learned about long ago.  A scientific law is a statement of observation that some event observes repeatedly and is independent of the observer, that is, different observers may observe the same phenomenon.

Scientific Laws and Scientific Theories are not the same.  The Scientific Law is the observation THAT something occurs. Scientific Theory is attempting to answer how or why that something occurs.  A Scientific Theory does not turn into a Scientific Law or vice verse..

Another component of the word law references that which is fixed or set. In the case of Scientific Law multiple observers may observe an observable event that is fixed.  For example, Newton's law of gravitation states that any particle of matter in the universe attracts any other with a force varying directly as the product of the masses and inversely as the square of the distance between them. Or stated less scientifically, apples falling from trees will fall to the ground instead of into the sky.

The principle addressed by this video is that there IS Law -- an observed phenomena that various observers may observe. This observable Law is that Truth, Love and Authenticity may be observed to occur.

Truth is from an ancient word indicating firm, solid, steadfast.  I think that listing Truth first is not a coincidence, for both truth and law indicate similar things...something that is fixed or set, firm, solid and steadfast.  Another term for fixed is unchanging, which is certainly a good way to describe it.  Truth is unchanging.

Love is also described as an observable fixed or set phenomenon.  Love is basically described as care or concern.

Authenticity is from ancient words literally meaning self-being.  Another good descriptor for authenticity...just being yourself rather than "putting on airs."

Since unchanging fixed care and concern, along with self-being, are described as Law we may all observe these phenomenon in action.

How you make use of these principles is up to you.