The Human Body

An Eastern or Spiritual perspective may view the body as a sacred temple of Divine Light; honoring and respecting it by choosing Divine intention, thought, energy, and action.

A Western or Scientific perspective may view the body as a machine of organized and specialized systems;  each having its specific purpose for the production of energy and motion.

In my perspective the human body is an amazing, magical and mystical Sacred Vessel of intelligence and vital life force energy, which is animated by our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

A deeper look into the Body….

There are more than three forms of substance (solids, liquids, gases) to our human body.  The human body is actually composed of seven degrees of matter or substance which vary in density or vibration.

Interpenetrating the body form is a shadow called the etheric double; which is an exact duplicate of the physical form.  This etheric double is composed of four higher physical substances called ethers and is the body of life force, vitality, or energy.  Without this etheric double the physical form would be devoid of life.  The etheric is the mold or pattern upon which the dense physical form is built It is the battery which recharges the physical form with life force.

The etheric body has force centers for assimilating and absorbing spiritual forces…. just as the physical form possesses organs and glands to distribute hormones.  These vital force centers are called chakras. 

The etheric double continuously draws in psychic and spiritual forces through its various chakras, and sends them through the glands of the physical body as well as through the bloodstream.

The etheric double interpenetrates every cell of the physical form. Its purpose is to properly discharge its duties of assimilation and distribution of life forces of the universe, through its own centers.  It must at all times be properly attuned to the dense physical form if perfect health is to manifest.

The chakras of the etheric body superimpose and interpenetrate the glands of the dense physical form.  These force centers draw in the solar, pranic and life forces of the atmosphere and pour them into the physical form via their counterparts, the physical glands.  The chakras are the sockets into which the glands are plugged for the life forces to flow into the physical form. 

Resource:  Astara’s Book of Life


This diagram  shows the seven degrees of interpenetrating substance forms; organ systems and their corresponding chakras; and organ body relationships and functions according to Barbara Brennan, through her research and wisdom in Hands of Light.