WISDOM: Avoid the Path of the Violent

Listen and give heed to those who have gone before you.  Benefit from their experiences.  

If you pay attention to learning from those with experience it will adorn your life as wisdom beyond your years.

When the ignorant or the immature entice you with doing violence against the innocent “just for fun” don’t go along with it.  When they entice you with visions of plunder and get-rich-through-violence schemes don’t join them in their journey.

Their plans to ambush another are really but plans to bring themselves to ruin.  Their attacks on the innocent are really an attack upon their own lives.  Humanity will not long tolerate the abuse of the innocent.  God will not let the persecution of the innocent go without a like payment.  

Such are the paths of those who knowingly profit dishonestly at the expense of others.  It ultimately costs them their peace, their security, their joy and their lives.

Why Learn from your “elders”?
To adorn your life with wisdom and to avoid the paths of the violent.

Based upon Proverbs, Chapter 1