Chapter 1, The Life & Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 4


Chapter 1 

In Volume 1 of the Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding, we were introduced to Master Emil and the first part of the journey of Spalding's party to India to scientifically observe the Masters of the Far East.  

Volume 2 continues with a visit to the Temple of the Great Tau Cross, the mystery of thought vibrations, and more.  

Volume 3 discusses Christ consciousness, the nature of cosmic energy and more. 

In Volume 4 Spalding states, on page 196 in Chapter 14, "we have endeavored to give the student more of the actual teachings and practices of the Masters, rather than to recite the phenomena performed by them. ... The average student is more interested in the philosophy and science which the Masters employ.  It is only through such knowledge that the individual may know how to proceed in attaining his own mastership."

Volume 4 is therefore a study text for lessons and guides for teachers.  This series approaches each of the 14 chapters pointing out quotes that I find of most value, offering a commentary and then offers questions for discussion.  

Volume 5 is said to material taken from lectures given by Spalding during the last two years of his life, and Volume 6  to include 18 articles by Spalding with questions and answers along with photos and other material from his tours. 

Chapter 1 begins with the title: the Great White Brotherhood and World Peace.  The term  Great White Brotherhood is "jargon" for many – "phraseology peculiar to a sect or profession," hence "mode of speech full of unfamiliar terms."  Spalding's first chapter of Volume 4 points to, and discusses, this Great White Brotherhood.

Digesting this jargon makes it more least for me. 

Page 8

(1) Peace and happiness, the heart's desire of all humanity is not a gift to be bestowed on mankind, but has to be earned by honest effort.

Humanity has long wished for peace and happiness.  The word peace refers, in its most ancient form,  to a pact made between two or more for their own security.  

The word happiness is derived:  from happy + -ness. Meaning "pleasant and contented mental state. happiness in one perspective is a pleasant and contented mental state from our "inner selves" or "higher selves". 

The word TRUE: is from an ancient word root *drew-o-, a suffixed form of the root *deru- "be firm, solid, steadfast."   So TRUE HAPPINESS is that firm, steadfast good mental state that comes from within, or above. "True happiness" , by definition, can not be something given or acquired from "outside of self."

In the first chapter Spalding is telling us such a securepleasant, and contented state is "not a gift to be bestowed", but rather it has to be earned by honest effort. 

To those who would claim that peace and happiness is "bestowed by God" I would point out that you are correct, BUT I would also point out that due to the natural "frequency variation" (ups and downs) of life that lasting peace and happiness only occurs when one has a firm, steadfast good mental state that comes from within or above. 

Being able to have a  a securepleasant, and contented state when the "downs" are piling on requires honest effort.  Even the Biblical character Job had to make an honest effort as he took his honest complaints directly to God.

(2) This awakening of men along peace  lines is their response to the movement of the spirit of peace which is fostered by the masters.


Again we learn that "an honest effort" in response to the "movement of the spirit of peace" is required for  humanity to realize such "awakening."  Here we see that the Masters of the Far East were fostering (feeding) just such attitudes.
We are amazed by the capabilities of the Masters that we read in the first 3 volumes and here we learn the foundation of their capabilities – honest efforts to feed  and nourish their response to the "movement of the spirit of peace";  the spirit of "a pact made between two or more parties for their own security." 

 (3) There is a great brotherhood throughout the world who have been working for peace for thousands of years.… There is always one central unit as a first or centralizing body and 12 units which surround that unit, giving it more force and power. They are working also for the enlightenment of the whole world.

Being an "organization" guy, I have always taken this "Great White Brotherhood" reference to mean some form of physical organization such as a conspiracy theorist's "group that seeks to rule the world".  But taken as literal statements as described by Spalding, we see that this refers to: 
A brotherhood (a kindred group) the world over who seeks and works for peace (the security of two or more);  that always has a "central unit"  (a single source that serves as the focus of the work) and twelve associated units that gives that focus "more force and power."  
The world over there are groups working to secure the peace and happiness of humanity and for the "enlightenment of the whole world." 

Enlightenment  refers to "supply with intellectual light" and literally means to "put light in."  Light refers to "shed light upon, illuminate, make light or bright."

There are groups "spotlighting" the work of the "central unit" which they support.  As with many things "celestial" it seems that there are twelve units supporting a 13th central unit. 

(4) These groups are really composed of a few human beings who are actuated by the high thought of the white brotherhood [light brotherhood]. … Those receiving the support are conscious only of the help or influence.

These brotherhood groups are composed of "a few" humans who are "actuated by the thought" of the "light brotherhood" (the kindred shedding a spotlight on honest effort promoting that firm, steadfast good mental state that comes from within, or above.) 


These are conscious only of  the help or influence offered by the (spiritual) groups working to secure the peace and happiness of humanity and for the "enlightenment of the whole world."  

Discovery Thought Questions for page 8:

  • What is peace to you?  Is it something given to you, earned by you, or does it "just happen?"
  • Why must true happiness arise from within rather than be dependent upon something external to our "selves."
  • We are amazed by the capabilities  attributed to the Masters that we read in the first 3 volumes.  We see them make honest efforts to feed  and nourish their response to the "movement of the spirit of peace".  How might we nourish OUR responses to the spirit of peace?
  • Can, or have, you identified any kindred group(s) that works for security of two or more, has a single source that serves as the focus of the work, and associated units that gives that focus "more force and power?"  
  • Why is it, do you think that these groups are composed of "a few" humans who work to secure the peace and happiness of humanity and for the "enlightenment of the whole world?"  

Page 9

(5) The birth of a new order is in process; we are witnessing right now the destruction of an old civilization. The white brotherhood (light brotherhood) will assert itself positively on the most important issues when the time is propitious. 


Often the influences working in universal ideas come into being without much notice. It is something that seems to germinate and move forward as a contagion while the minds of many are still so engrossed in other things that they do not notice the changeThen, all of a sudden, each individual seems to realize that it has come into being and that it is an exact accord with its own secret thoughts. Thus, he very often slips into the new order rather unknowingly.

Here Spalding notes that civilization is leaving an old order and moving into a new order.  An order is from Latin ordinem meaning "row, line, rank; series, pattern, arrangement, routine," originally referring to "a row of threads in a loom," from Proto-Italic *ordn- "row, order" (source also of ordiri "to begin to weave.")

How interesting that the term order which is so frequently used in its militaristic or monastic sense originally referred to a row of threads in a loom.  My mind likes to visualize a tapestry "a fabric on which colored threads ... are fixed to produce a pattern."  

I paraphrase this excerpt as "a new picture is unfolding" which IS the very definition of evolution ("to unfold, open out, expand," from Latin evolvere "to unroll, roll out, roll forth, unfold"; figuratively "to make clear, disclose; to produce, develop.")  So those who "spotlight" to "enlighten" humanity are helping to evolve humanity into a "new image" on the tapestry.

To paraphrase based on the etymology, we  are told that humanity's "state of being reclaimed from the rudeness of savage life ... considered as a whole over time" is (again) changing.  The influence of the white, or light, brotherhood asserts itself  through universal ideas to the point that, what seems suddenly, the new order is realized almost unknowing.

What a beautiful imagery of the evolution of humanity from its savage ("wild, undomesticated, untamed" state) into "a more evolved image." 

For those who are "triggered" by Darwin's "evolution" theory, the evolution discussed here has little in common with "Natural Selection", but rather  describes the natural unfolding of the growth of humanity as it passes through time here on Earth. 

Spalding informs us that the brotherhood of those spotlighting the development of a securepleasant, and contented state for humanity continue their work and help to "shepherd" humanity along from a "wild, undomesticated state" to a more evolved image over time.

Discovery Thought Questions for page 9:

  • What new "picture of humanity" do you perceive unfolding before you?
  • How might you assist in moving humanity from a "more savage" to a "less savage" state?
  • How might you assist in moving humanity from a "less evolved image to a more evolved image? or paraphrase how might you assist in strengthening the pixelization of humanity's evolving image?

Page 11

(6) Those in the groups mentioned that are working for world peace are persons of a very high spiritual understanding.

This is why many people are more or less incredulous concerning the great work being done by the illumined. They are so accustomed to outer show and display that they cannot imagine any great work being done in such a quiet, simple manner. But if everyone will stop and think for a moment he will realize that all the motivating forces of the universe are silent and those who work consciously with these forces move according to motives. There will come a time, however, when they will work more openly, but that will be when there are enough illumined people to know and understand just what they are doing. 

There is so much "meat" in this short paragraph!  Those with very high spiritual understanding humbly  carry out their work.  In other words they are so "of the earth" (humble) that their actions are carried out as a "matter of fact" rather than as a display of expertise. 

But much of humanity overlooks such "humble ascension work" because so much of humanity takes the Earth for granted .  The actions of those humble individuals are also overlooked. 

Spalding points out here that the while humanity may overlook and resist such evolution, over time there will become "enough like-minded individuals" that such Masters may work more openly in helping  to spotlight "spiritual understanding."

Discovery Thought Questions for page 11:

  • Groups working with the light are persons of "a very high spiritual understanding."  What is your level  of spiritual understanding?  How might you improve your spiritual understanding?
  • Ask yourself "am I looking for humble, matter-of-fact ascension growth? or am I looking for sensational large-group showmanship?"
  • Can you identify the workings of any Masters in or near your life who humbly practice their mastery?

Page 12

(7) This brotherhood is not properly an organization, as anyone can belong who will work constructively either openly or silently for peace. It is rather an association of kindred spirits. They cooperate, in fact, with any association or organization that is for the benefit of mankind or the advancement of humanity. 


Here you have the direct statement:  Spalding tells us that this is not a "card carrying institution", but rather it is anyone who "works to construct that firm, steadfast good mental state that comes from within, or above." Such kindred spirits work with any other association or organization for the benefit or advancement of humanity.  


Thus, the spirit producing that firm, steadfast good mental state that comes from within, or above, works however is needed, with whoever is appropriate for the benefit and advancement of humanity to keep the family of humanity moving from a wild and untamed state to a more evolved station (standing).

Discovery Thought Questions for page 12:

  • Do you "work where needed" or do you restrict your light efforts only to certain groups, times, places, or events?
  • Have you identified some "kindred spirits" with whom you may work?

Page 13

(8) So long as constructive forces work in "secret" they grow unnoticed by those who would destroy their effect.  The world does not realize the advance of the Constructive Force until it has already undermined the sordid structures of the selfish and self-seeking and then it is too late. 


Life is vital energy in action or expression.  The flow of an energy results in the production of either promotion energies or consumption energies.  Stated differently both construction of life and destruction of life are carried on at the same time.  Imagine the construction of a building that while it is begin built is also being torn down.  We build a wall and later that wall is destroyed and a new wall is added. 


Spalding points out that when the "construction crew" quietly builds its structures those who would destroy the effect of that construction may not be aware of its effect until it is too late.  But those who show off, display, arrogantly promote their "construction projects" are often set upon by those who would destroy their construction as quickly as possible. 


The "hunter's mind" would point to "if you want to be ignored by the wildlife then camouflage yourself  as the natural surroundings OF the wildlife.  But if you desire to be noticed at the expense of being assaulted or avoided by the wildlife, then by all means stand out as something different and the wildlife will assault (or run away from) you."

 Discovery Thought Questions for page 13:

  • Do you prefer to "camouflage your spirt self" when working with spirit, or do you prefer to "call attention to your spiritual work?"
  • What examples of simultaneous CONstruction and DEstruction can you perceive in the world?
  • What is the need for CONstruction?
  • What is the need for DEstruction?
  • Is one better or worse than the other?

Discovery Thought Questions for Chapter 1

  • Are YOU a member of the Light Family at Large group (Great White Brotherhood for Spalding)? 
  • Do you have a group of kindred spirits with with to work?
  • What "unfolding picture of humanity" do you perceive?
  • What "unfolding picture of humanity" do you long for?