Chapter 2, The Life & Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Volume 4

Click this link: Chapter 2   The One Mind for an article that summarizes some of the more significant quotes from this chapter along with some personal insight commentary.

Discussion Question Summary:
  • We tend to think of "control" in the sense of a puppet master pulling the strings of a puppet, but how might thinking of "control" as being held accountable for, or to, "one force"  make you think, feel, or choose differently?
  • In what ways does being "held accountable" to conflicting controlling authorities result? 
  • if you are heart-to-heart with the entire world and its myriad of "authorities", can you be in as strong an accord with Spirit, with a capital S?  
  • How can you better bring yourself heart-to-heart with Spirit?
  • How can one "Hear from the One Mind?”  
  • How can one choose the "One Mind" as their central authority?  
  • It seems that "concepts" (thoughts) are the controlling factor and that our "concepts" keep our "vibratory influence" focused in the earthly realm.  Does this bring clarity to the phrase "on Earth as it is in Heaven"  from the "Lord's Prayer"?  How so?

  • To what is "vibratory influence" referring?
  • How is "Spirit" a directive force rather than a motivating force?
Notice the "circular flow" of our thoughts dwelling upon spiritual things and the "uneven flow" of ups and downs as our thoughts follow things "other than Spirit."  
  • Which way appears to be the smoothest, the “circular flow” of spiritual thoughts, or the “uneven flow” of "other than Spirit thoughts"?  What are your thoughts?
  • How can "thought" not travel, yet be "omnipresent”? 
  • How is "thought omnipresent?
  • Is space then "thought projected?
  • If the mind is the inciting element of thought and "thought moving concurrently with Mind" produces all movement in the plane of manifest substances, how important is it to "stay in the circular flow of spiritual thought" than it is to "ride the roller coaster" of non-spiritual thoughts?
  • Are the manifestations of the Masters the manipulation of energy through thoughts?  How about through matter?
  • If we are the "flip side" of God, and in fact, a portion of God, are we really ever separated from God?  Can't we "tune in" to "God's thoughts" from the "A side" and seek to make those thoughts come to pass on the "B side" of the album?
  • If the "A side" of the album KNOWS what is needed and if the "B side" is a replica of the "A side", then can't the "B side" know what is on the "A side" and bring it into the world? 
  • Does it seem that, in the world, the shellac or vinyl "album" is becoming a transparent CD and that it is easier to know what is on the A side of the "album"?