Christos is Cosmos, a Poem for Meditation

Christos is the Greek word for Christ.  The word means the anointed, from the Hebrew word Messiah.  To anoint someone or something is to have something “smeared on” or “rubbed into”, and note merely drizzled upon.  Think a thick suntan lotion.  You don’t want intermittent coverage, you want every exposed part covered with the protective screen.  Christos may refer to those spiritual individuals so completely “smeared into Spirit” that they are “fully covered” in Spirit.

Cosmos is the Latin form of a Greek word Kosmos meaning order, good order, orderly arrangement a word rooted in kosmein meaning to order and arrange, to set in array; to establish; to adorn, equip, dress.  Pythagoras is said to have been the first to apply this word to the universe the whole of the physical world.  It has come to mean the universe as an embodiment of order and harmony.

With this in mind I share this poem for your meditation.  I recently came across it in a magazine.  It is a poem by Ben Williams.  If you meditate upon it a number of messages may arise.

Christos is Cosmos
And Cosmos is eternity unveiling
This is the place where the heart is wrought
Hopeless, with passions railing
And the spirit thick with
Shadows countervailing
The appearance of all that really is

You fabricated this.
You made all that you think you see
This image is the wheel of your destiny
Here, now, where teeth gnash amid
All this wailing
Christ comes invisibly
To destroy the iniquity
Of your great illusion
And restore you again
At last, to true dominion

Rise great son of man!
He who blesses it!
Look within these avenues of sin
Here, pray that you see nothing!
Into this void is birthed the greatest secret
The resplendent vision
Which can only be given
To one who already possesses it.