Longer Term Planning for the Solstices and the Equinoxes

If you were to think of the cycle of the seasons as a clock indicating time, then the Winter Solstice (far right in the diagram) would be equivalent to midnight -- the darkest part of the cycle.

The Summer Solstice (far left in the diagram) would be equivalent to "high noon"  -- the brightest part of the cycle.

That would then place the equinoxes, the time of equal lengths of light and dark in the day, at the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions.  So just as the clock allows us to divide our days into 12 equal periods during the day or the night, so our "annual clock" allows us to divide a year into 12 equal periods during the year.

At the Winter Solstice the world is darker.  What better time to contemplate and set intentions for the next six months?  At the Summer Solstice the world is lighter and brighter.  What better time to examine your intentions and set intentions for the next six months? It's a time to clarify what you are ready to grow and to plant the seeds of your dreams and ambitions. 

The equinoxes are when the days and the nights are equal length on the Sun's traverse between its northerly and southerly extremes.  "All things being equal" (pun intended) what better time to take stock of how your journey between the solstices is going?

Use this Solstice Intention Template to help in establishing your intentions for the next six months.  Use the Equinox Reflection Template to track your progress towards your intentions and to reflect on your progress and course corrections. 

Enjoy your year!