Spiritually Disabled or Spiritually “Abled”?

 What is the nature of the Divine?  The word means pertaining to “sky, heaven, god” and ‘to shine.”  The nature of the “shining ones from the heavens, the god(s)” is associated with certain spiritual attributes.  In one sense we already possess a measure of divine nature.  Biblical scripture tells us that all are created in the image of God.  Humanity has both a physical nature AND a spiritual nature.  It is this spiritual nature, this immaterial part of humanity that sets humanity apart from the other animals.  But humanity has a problem.  

Because we have a physical nature, a human nature, it is more probable that we will succumb to human nature than to divine nature.  We are more likely to please ourselves than to please an immaterial noble attribute that is not readily apparent.  As long as we have this human nature we have divided loyalties.  One to ourselves and our human natures and one to our divine natures.  We live life in a tug of war between these two natures as long as we live, or as long as we refuse to choose one or the other.  To those who choose to live by the physical nature, the human nature, we inherit all of the woes inherent to human living…all of the worries, conflicts, struggles, and conflicting attributes.  This doesn’t mean that physical life is bad, it just means that as long as we are preoccupied in dealing and thinking with lesser
things we miss out on the higher and more noble things that are the divine aspects of divinity.

Stated another way, as long as we choose to remain in a tug of war between our physical and spiritual natures we will not come to be at one, that is, we will not achieve atonement fully with our spiritual nature.  To become more like the divine means that we have to take on the nature of the divine…to learn and study it, to experience it, to practice it.  Without seeking this at-one-ment with the spiritual divinity we miss out on peace.  More than a mere cliche, the word peace comes from old words meaning to join.  Peace occurs when we are rejoined, or more correctly when we choose to exclusively focus on the shining divine attributes rather than the base physical nature.  

Such a focus on divine attributes leads to 
righteousness, or as one friend puts it, right-use-ness. Righteousness is from a Greek word that reflects conformity to a standard.  It is through adhering to the standard of divinity that we conform to the highest standard there is.

These days, thanks to the internet, we have a fast and easy way to fix many of our problems.  There is, however, one problem that we can’t fix on our own.  It is the problem of human nature.  It is this human nature that calls us away from our focus on the divine and which keeps us focused on lesser things than upon divine things.  But because of the divine part of our nature we CAN enter into the presence of God because we are made with a part of the divine within us already…we can not be separated from that part of ourselves which is already divine.  We may choose to ignore it and enjoy the consequences of our choice, or we may choose to explore or divine nature and learn to grow ever closer to the divine.  But either way, we are not separate from the divine.  We cannot be except we choose to be.  We merely have to choose to be at-one with the divine and we will grow ever closer to the divine.

We humans need to quit trying to use spiritual duct tape to mask our human nature problem. We can’t fix it that way.  Embed the truth in your mind that you cannot be separated from the divine and divine love and you go a long way towards at-one-ment.  The rest is a life-long learning process.

Share this truth with others who are spiritually disabled and you too will be a “spiritual therapist.”