Can you imagine what it would be like if we could know all there is to know without having to go through the trials and tribulations of life. If we could just wake up one morning and say to ourselves, today I am going to learn everything. It doesn’t sound very realistic. But many view enlightenment as this type of occurrence.
It is common for people to find that club or organization that promises to let you into the inner sanctum of knowing…that promises to reveal to you all of the mysteries of life, and once having undergone initiation, they expect to be invested with this sacred knowledge immediately and without having to research it or put forth any effort. Many look at enlightenment experiences as something that happens from the outside in. “Ok, you have performed all of the external ceremonies, HERE is all the internal peace you seek to find”, as if it were some present bestowed from some external source.
We need to look at enlightenment in a different way. It is a process of learning over time; and most of the joy is in the process itself. Think of the joy you feel when you read something for the first time and have that “A-HA” moment. Or when dwelling on a problem, you suddenly find a solution…an answer to the puzzle. It is incredibly rewarding and brings the joy of growing.
Groups who “are workers of the light”, or who share the “glory of the light” hold no grand or dramatic secrets or sacred knowledge that are suddenly and externally revealed to the initiate. Such groups who do are frequently charlatans seeking the acquisition of your material treasuries.
The word glory describes a “shining forth.” The glory of the light is the “shining forth” or “public display” of the character, nature and good things that are in association with the light of the universe; with the positive attributes that goodness brings – wisdom, love, creativity, beauty, strength, compassion and so much more.
Dwelling up thoughts of such glory is the greatest source of our joy for humanity was created to see, know, and delight in the glory of goodness and to shine forth those beneficial attributes into the world so that the world might learn the positive attributes of the light. It is in contemplating the glory of the light that we are freed from our preoccupation with lesser things. It is then that our anxieties and fears begin to lose their grip, our hearts come alive, and all things begin to find their proper place in the light. When we demonstrate all thing things that make deity weighty and wonderful, deity is made manifest for US and those around us to see and experience.
Groups working to share the light provide a framework on which to build…a guide for living. They provide a library in which to research, not a treasury in which to hide away the riches bestowed by goodness. Such a framework offers a way to attain knowledge over time through learning, patience, and truth; and it does so without harming others in their search. This practice of perfecting (making whole) one’s self is ancient beyond record and is the true measure of success. The attainment of balance in one’s life…achieving happiness with yourself, without interfering with the happiness of others, and proactively helping others in their search for balance in their lives; that is success.
It is a noble quest, the objective of which can only truly be obtained by those who are worthy and true…to themselves and each other.
Good luck on your quest for the attributes of light, enjoy the journey.
Reference: Excerpt taken from Light Reflections by Bradley Kohanke